Lisa: New York

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You and your team members reached the airport and surprisingly, there were many fans already waiting. Like how do they even know that you'll be coming to New York?

You stopped to give them a few autographs and selfies and to also talk to a few of your fans since they've been waiting for so long, it was the least you could do.

"Omg Omg Y/N!" They screamed when you approached.

"Hi guys! How are you?" You smiled while signing some of their belongings.

"Y/N! Y/N! Did you know that Lisa's here in New York too?" Someone from the crowd asked. You were shocked because Lisa did not tell you that she was currently in New York.

"She is? She didn't tell me though.. yah.. that Lisa" You said pretending to be angry. The crowd screamed louder at the mention of the BlackPink member.

You took more selfies and gave out more autographs. You also talked and laughed with them, some of them were actually quite hilarious.

"Y/N, can you say a few words to Lisa? " A fangirl asked as she held up her phone to record you.

"Mm.. Yah Lalisa.. Stop ignoring my texts and calls please? I really really miss you" You playfully stuck out your tongue, knowing that it will go viral and Lisa would eventually see it. The crowd went wild as you chuckled.

Just then, your manager told you that the bus was ready and that you had to go, you said your goodbyes to them, not forgetting to wink at the same camera and say 'i love you'.

It was meant for Lisa but the fans can think otherwise.


Lisa: "Yah you silly crackhead" You heard Lisa laugh as soon as you picked up the phone. You realised that the video had already gone viral.

Y/N: "Well hello to you too crackhead number 2" You couldn't help the smile on your face.

Lisa: "But i can't lie though.. It was quite touching.." Lisa said in her cute voice. Although you guys were talking on the phone, you could still feel her blushing.

Y/N: "Pshh of course it was, i mean it too, i really do miss you Lisa" You pouted. You really did. All the travelling had made you so tired and all you wanted now is to be in her arms again.

Lisa: "Aww i miss you too Y/N" She answered softly.

Y/N: "Are you really in New York though?" You asked, remembering the fan.

Lisa: "Mmm.. yeah but i can explain why i didn't tell you.. I was actually planning on surprising you at your hotel with a bunch of flowers, but apparently not anymore.." She said sadly. It was her turn to pout.

Y/N: "Aw Lisa.. That's okay.. We can still go out for dinner, whenever you're free, and after that, you can still surprise me in another way.. in your hotel room.. Sounds good?" You grinned knowing her reaction.

Lisa: "Sounds great babe" She replied in a dangerously seductive way.

You continued to talk on the phone about both your plans in New York. And not forgetting to plan your meet up, which will hopefully turn into a night full of memories.


You knocked on the door to Lisa's hotel room and within seconds, Lisa had already opened it and hugged you tightly.

"Yay you're here" She said still hugging you. You kissed her cheek and led her into the hotel room. It wasn't a surprise to you that her room was messy with random things laying everywhere.

"Wow you really cleaned your room for me huh?" You joked sarcastically as you sat on the bed. She grinned.

"Obviously.. Can't you see how squeaky clean my room is" She replied also sarcastically as she went into the bathroom to finish up her make up.

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