Rosé: Bad Flight

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Sunlight poured onto your face like a waterfall and you squinted your eyes to block the brightness out, eventhough they were already closed.

"Good morning Y/N!!!" Your girlfriend's cheerful voice followed right after you were attacked by the sun.

Chaeyoung has always been a person who loved sunshine like crazy, and you didn't mind that at all, but what you did mind was how she came barging into your room and opened your curtains as wide as she could just to wake you up.

"Yah Chaeyoung.. It's so bright.. Close it.." You said turning your body to face the other way. She sat down on the bed beside you and kissed your cheek.

"I'm sorry but it's already 10 am, which is definitely a reasonable time to wake up" She said. You grumbled in response, or was that your stomach?

"Come on, wake up Y/N, or else we're gonna be late for our flight" She threw the blanket off your body and began jumping on the bed. Why... Just why?

"Chaeyoung.. Stop it.."

Eventually, you gave up because you knew that she really wasn't going to stop unless you actually get your ass up.

"I'm up, I'm up" You sighed after getting up. She cheered adorably, which made you smile.

"And hurry up because i made us breakfast~" She sang, exiting your room.


About the flight mentioned earlier, you and Chaeyoung had booked a flight to Australia to visit your families. Both of you grew up in Australia together and you wanted to spend your precious holidays with them.

After having breakfast together, which not to mention, was delicious(dammit now im hungry), you packed your suitcase and left your apartment. It wasn't a surprise to you when you realized that you were both already running late and you had to rush through the airport.

Although fashionably late, both of you still managed to make it to the flight gate just in time, with a few minutes to spare. You sat together in the plane and did the usual things people do on flights, eat and sleep.


"To all passengers of this aircraft, this is your captain speaking, we have been informed that the weather in Sydney is bad and that it has been raining heavily for almost a week. We were advised to divert to another airport since it is not suitable nor safe to land for the time being. We would have to make a stop at Manila International Airport and wait for the weather to subside. We would also like to apologize on behalf of this airline for any inconvenience caused"

Gasps, groans and chatterings were heard after the announcement was made and it continued all throughout the rest of the flight. (I mean yes, it sucks not being able to reach Sydney in time as planned, but it would suck more if we died in an airplane because of an unsafe landing. Ugh, hate those people)

"Guess we're gonna have a short holiday in Manila, Chaeyoung" You informed your sleepy girlfriend who just woke up from a nap on your shoulder. She stretched and rubbed her eyes in such a cute manner that you didn't understand how even that could be adorable.

"Hm?" She asked after laying her head back on your shoulder.

"The weather in Sydney is ugly right now and it's unsafe to land so we'll be stopping in Manila to wait for the weather to calm down and chill" You explained while resting your hand on her lap.

"Mm.. Philippines it is" You heard her mumble before she went back to sleep.


You entered your hotel room and immediately collapsed on the bed. The bed felt so comfortable that you had to double check yourself to make sure that it wasn't real clouds.

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