Jisoo: Monopoly

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It was your birthday eve and what better way to spend it than to spend it playing Monopoly with your girlfriend and the other members of BLACKPINK right?

"We're at Go, gimme the cash" You said to Lisa. You and Jisoo were playing as a team and Lisa was currently in the lead.

"That's not how you're supposed to play it Y/N, you have to PASS Go to collect your cash you dummy" Lisa answered emphasising the word 'pass'.

"Yeah that's true" Jennie said obviously taking Lisa's side.

"What? No way! It doesn't even say that on Go" You defended yourself as you pointed at the Go tile.

"I think Y/N is right, plus i don't think it's written in the rules guys" Chaeyoung said flipping through the rule book.

"Mmmm! What do you think Jisoo unnie?" Lisa pouted at Jisoo.

"Obviously she's gonna take Y/N's side" Jennie said rolling her eyes playfully.

Just as Jisoo was about to answer, her phone rang. She glanced at her phone and you could feel her tense up beside you.

"Sorry guys, i need to answer this, you guys continue" Jisoo said as she stood up and went to the kitchen. You couldn't hear her over the music that Chaeyoung had playing.

You continued your little argument about this game of Monopoly while Chaeyoung flipped through the rule book.

"You know what? Let's settle this once and for all" Chaeyoung said as she took out her phone.

"Hey Siri, in a game of Monopoly, do we need to PASS Go before collecting our money?" She asked and waited.

Unfortunately, they were right. You did have to PASS Go to collect your money.. What kind of rule was that? You had already admitted defeat but they were still rubbing it in your face. Just then, you heard Jisoo sighing really loudly (and angrily may i add). You turned your head towards the direction of the kitchen and saw Jisoo angrily stomping her foot as she exits the kitchen. She went straight to her bedroom.

You looked at the girls. They looked at you expectantly.

"So.. should I.." You began to ask but was immediately cut short.

"Go!" They all said in unison. You put your hands up as a sign of defeat and stood up to walk to Jisoo's bedroom.

"Jisoo~" You hummed your girlfriend's name as you entered her room. She was sitting on the corner of the bed, hugging her knees. She looked as if she was about to cry. She glanced upwards as you entered but continued to frown and lower her head after that. She looked so fragile in that position you swore you were gonna kill whoever put her in that state.

You went beside her bed and kneeled beside her, looking upwards to see her face.

"Hi baby, is something wrong?"

She shook her head no at first but then slowly nodded her head.

"Aw what's wrong? Who did this? Do i need to get my shotgun?"

A small smile formed on her lips but you could see that she was trying to restrain it. She shook her head again.

"Come on baby, you can tell me, i'll try to fix it if i can" You smiled as you used your finger to lift her head making her look at you.

"I-" She started.

She sighed.

"I was trying to get us a reservation at your favourite dining place for your birthday but apparently everyone has something special planned tomorrow at the exact same restaurant, at the exact same time" You could see the frustration in her face as she crossed her arms and leaned her head on the headboard.

"Jisoo! That was what you were mad about? You're too cute baby, i really don't deserve someone as precious as you" You laughed at her. She gave you a glare and continued pouting.

"It's okay Jisoo. We don't have to go to that place tomorrow if it's full. We can just order McDonalds or something and go to our secret rendezvous beside the lake where we first kissed. What matters is that i get to spend time with you tomorrow" You grinned. She smiled at the mention of you and Jisoo's first kiss.


"Yes Jisoo, really"

"You only wanna spend time with me?"

"Yes, you and only you.. and food too"

"Okay!" Her smile returned as she jumped on you to hug you.

"I love you so much and I'm going to be the first and last person to wish you happy birthday tomorrow" She said peppering you with kisses.

You couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness. Your heart is so weak for her. "Alright alright i love you too, but we have a game to crush outside" You looked at her hoping that she would want to continue playing.

"Okay, let's go" She said pulling you up.

Before you both left the room, you stopped her and took out a few Monopoly cash from your pocket, "I might've 'accidentally' stolen some of Lisa's money, no big deal right?" You grinned as you showed her the stolen Monopoly money. She laughed and put on a determined expression.

"Now, let's go"


Yo i'm in a rather good mood today besides the 25 reports that i have to send in by the end of this month which i haven't even started yet. I'm totally fine. School life is so fun and not stressful ahaha

Sincerely, Author N

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