Jisoo: Spain

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Jisoo, wake up, we're here~" You sang playfully as you shook your shoulder a little, causing Jisoo who was leaning on it to wake up.

You couldn't help but to kiss her cheek after she woke up, did a little stretch, rubbed her eyes, and continued to lay her head on your shoulder, going back to sleep.

"You have no idea how much i love you, Kim Jisoo" You chuckled softly at her. And you swore you fell more in love with her- if that was even possible- when you saw the corners of her mouth form a small smile. The universe had been so good to you, to allow the two of you to meet. Damn.

You and Jisoo had planned to go on a short vacation in Spain, ever since you two came across an advertisement that offers relaxation, accommodation and an incredible view all at the same time. The article showed a small cottage, perfect for two, in the middle of a jungle, on top of a hill. Saying that you were both mind-blown by the ad during the time was a literal understatement. And now, it was a dream come true.


"Let's stop here for a second" You told an eager Jisoo after hiking up the hill for about an hour.

"What's the use of going to the gym all those times, just to get tired easily while hiking?" Jisoo teased you, while also catching her breath.

"I'm not the one bending over, almost having an asthma attack right now" You teased Jisoo back, who was bent over, trying desperately to suck in all the oxygen around her.

"Okay, 1 for Y/N, 0 for Jisoo" She nodded, giving up.

"Are you okay?" You approached her when she sat down, breathing finally evening out.

"Carry me" She scrunched up her face in the most adorable way mankind has ever known, and opened up her arms like a baby.

You sighed, "What am i going to do with you", and went forwards to her, arms wide open too. But right before you wrapped your arms around her, you took the opportunity to gently push her, stuck out your tongue, and ran upwards, leaving her dumbfounded on the ground.

"Oh, someone's sleeping on the couch tonight!" She shouted and you immediately stopped in your tracks.

You checked your left pocket, making sure it was still there. And after ensuring that it was, you turned around and walked back to Jisoo obediently, with your head bowed.

You reached her and she had her arms crossed, with a smirk on her face, "Good choice, now carry me", She said, once again opening her arms. You could only oblige because there was no way you were sleeping on the couch tonight, when you were planning to have fun with Jisoo, on the bed.

"Let's go!!" She shouted like an over-excited kid who had too much candy. And once that same kid possesed you too, you ran up the hill, carrying the love of your life.


"Wah~ This tastes so gooood!" Jisoo moaned with her food-stuffed mouth.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get you some water so that you won't choke to death" You laughed as you stood up to get a glass of water.

"Have i ever told you that you're such a great cook?" Jisoo continued, barely understandable.

"Yes babe, everytime i make dinner" You hand her the water and kiss her head. God, how can she make eating dinner so adorable?

"Mhmm" She smiled with her eyes closed.

After eating dinner, you both washed up and got ready for bed. Eventhough you didn't make it in time to view the sunset, you promised her that you would wake her up tomorrow morning to view the sunrise in all its glory. It was gonna be amazing, especially with the surprise you planned.

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