In his bed

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I am currently in a place that many girls would wish to be and some may even fantasize about. Yet in those fantasies they probably think it'll smell of cologne and that sexy natural male musk. The reality is that it smells of fresh linen and it's not because he washes his sheets regularly, but it's from a little blue bottle called Febreze. It's a continuous gift I so kindly bless him with since I always had a difficult time sleeping whenever I'd smell the lingering scent of his drool.

Even though my mental thoughts always tend to rag on him, I totally look forward to those moments where I get up before him and can stare at his delicate features. His full lips and the way his brows furrow a little bit because he's probably creating his next brilliant piece in his head... I let out a dreamy sigh but then catch myself and quickly turn from him.

No. No. Don't go there Kayc. You can't afford to go there. Think quickly girl. Get out of that frame of mind!

Ha! I got it!

I point a finger up and gently get into my mischievous Gollum position. I get into a slight crouch whenever I'm devising a brilliant plan between myself and well my realistic self.

Hm... let's think about a way to make him un-cute....

Got one!

His features are non-proportional!

His nose is a little wide...

Oh and his lips are too full for his smallish head!


Take that Lewser!

I ain't gonna get caught up in my feels...

Boom chika boom chika boom boom

Without realizing I was doing a little jig while I was busy having a victorious celebration over my inner monologue. I suddenly feel a pillow swiping clear across my head. I rub my face and turn my eyes to a pair of deep brown ones that are in the center of a very cutely amused face.

So much for trying to make him "un-cute"

Shut up!

I scowl at the voices in my head and press my lips as I look at Sean and practically shout,

"Well you're ugly!"

He raises his brows while simultaneously flashing me his dimples and touches his chest in a "Are you talkin to me way?"

I quickly shake my head and realize that was more meant for my inner voice than the boy sitting up in front of me. Did I mention he was a shirtless boy?

"Sorry. I didn't mean to call you ugly... even though you kind of are..." I trailed off and got another pillow thrown at me. That action immediately reminded me of what I should have asked earlier.

"Hey! What was the first pillow throwing all about anyways Lewser?" I ask him while flying not one but two pillows back at him.

He lets out this kind of raspy low laugh that evokes tingles all through my body without my permission.

"Well Ricebowl, I'm glad you asked."

He licks his lips before he continues,
"You interrupted a great dream that I was having. It was a very steamy dream..." He says in a velvety tone.

He rises up more to prop himself right in front of me.

"It made me exert a lot of energy... I mean I am a growing young man after all and I have needs..."

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