Straddling and shared breaths

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"Sean. Pull. Over."

Those three words literally messed me up inside. My mind was in an internal battle.

What the freak? Did I hear her correctly?

Yes dude! Pull over!

No! I can't. I don't trust myself.

Come on it's just Kayc it's not going to go pass making out... you know you want to...

Well of course I want to but not with my natural urges wanting to rip out of my... freak I don't even want to say it.

Trust yourself Lew. We've got this. It's just a simple make out session.

"Okay." I think I say it out loud more to myself than to Kaycee. I don't even dare look at her when I pull us over to this little park looking area that looks like it hadn't been used in forever.

I know what my body wants me to do. It wants me to reach over and pull Kaycee into my arms so I could "make out" with her but I refuse to take my vice like grip off of my steering wheel. My hands being here means that I'll make better choices until I can figure things out.

Oh look who's being holier than thou.

Shut up. Won't you.

It's not like you haven't done things with Bailey...

That's different! We didn't even do... it.

Maybe because you knew you didn't love her

Or maybe because we're too young

Oh look who's being all traditional with having morals pointing due north...

Shut up! Kayc is special

E-specially hot...

"Gosh! I can't take it!" I say at no one in particular and I hit my steering wheel. I hear an obviously exaggerated cough beside me and then I see Kaycee with an "Oh my gosh I'm with a kook face" all the while trying to hold back some laughter.

I facepalm myself in embarrassment because I was so caught up in my mental conversation with myself that I forgot I had an audience.

She giggles then asks carefully, "Sean are you okay?". I actually don't know how to respond to her because I still can't quite think straight. I lean all the way back in my seat and throw my hands over my head in defeat.

I just don't know what to tell her and I have this habit of not wanting to speak at times until I think things through in my head. You know to prevent myself from sounding like an idiot or even more of an idiot because my emotions or hormones or what have you being all over the place.

My silence must have provoked her because all of a sudden I hear a sigh and movement around me. Before I know it I feel her body brush up against me and I can feel her maneuver herself so that she's straddling me.

I gulp and refuse to move in case something shifts and my mind goes somewhere it shouldn't go. Part of me loves feeling her weight on top of me and how intimate and close we are but the other part of me is dying because I like to pride myself on having self control.

"Kayc." I groan. "What are you doing to me?" I ask her through my closed eyes. She doesn't respond so I reluctantly open my eyes to see her beautiful hazel orbs staring at me with all kinds of emotions playing in them. I honestly didn't expect to be on the receiving end of such a look and I couldn't remove my eyes from hers.

I could almost hear her inner thoughts and how she must be battling with herself too. Her stare would turn from a look of determination to doubt and then back again until finally it settled on my lips.

I instinctively licked my lips and I swore I heard a slight whimper come from her which made me want her. Yet I was determined to see where her inner battle would lead her.

Was she going to kiss me? I know I want her to but do I trust myself, especially with her here with me like this. Her tiny frame straddling me and us breathing in each other's breaths because we're so close.

Her eyes flickered back to mine and I saw her give a slight nod before she crashed her lips into mine.

Another one ☝️
I figured in making shorter chapters I'd be able to update more quickly. I didn't proof read at all but I hope it captures the teenage angst.

Love you all 🥰

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