What's Best For You

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I think I might like Kaycee...

The realization that I might have feelings for Kaycee is not what I expected. I like to think of myself as not being one of those guys. You know those guys that take advantage of girls or those guys that mess around with girls on the side as if they were interchangeable. Those guys disgusted me yet I felt like I just turned into one of them.

Reasons why this whole situation was messed up are as follows:
1. I have a girlfriend that is actually really great to me and we've been going out for over a year now. I've always had girlfriends but they never lasted more than a couple of months because they liked my image more than who I was. Yet since Bailey was in this industry with me, we just got each other. It's just really comfortable being with her.

2. I technically messed around with Kaycee to a certain extent not once, not twice but three times. When she woke me up in my sleep, when I didn't stop her from getting back at me on the bed, and when I was teaching her a "lesson". Sure I didn't realize I liked her then and I was just messing with her but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

3. I can't forgive myself if the trigger that helped me to realize my feelings was all of what we did to get at each other. All that crap I explained in reason 2. Because if that's the case then I don't deserve her or Bailey.

I don't know but I kind of really hate myself right now. I always thought I was a decent human being actually above average yet here I was being blasted with the mental reflection of what I've become. If I were immature I could easily blame Kaycee for all of this and that it was her fault for tempting me and suddenly making it very obvious that she was indeed not a bro. Yet blaming her would be a complete douche move. I'm the one who couldn't control my feelings? Hormones? I honestly don't know anything anymore.

I just know that I was all kinds of wrong and that I needed to do some deep reflecting. Figure out what kind of guy I wanted to be. I mean I know I'm still only 16 and still have a lot more to learn but I also know I didn't want to be the guy I currently was.

I needed to do the right thing... I needed to stay away from Kaycee.


As I sat on my bed and tried to wrap my head around the events that just took place, I realized that none of it made sense. I had to mentally list all of the things that occurred in such a short amount of time.

1. I hate and love staring at Sean when he sleeps
2. He awakes, messes around with me, and leaves me frustrated but I get back at him
3. He calls me a string bean bro, I tell him to not call me a bro, and go downstairs determined to get back at him.
4. I get back at him with strawberries and milk
5. He thinks he teaches me a lesson for my own good because boys are dumb and horny creatures
6. I yell at him and tell him he can't sleepover anymore
7. I put his horny boy theory to the test with Ken
8. He goes caveman on me and hulls me to his car to drive me home but Bailey just had to kiss him
9. He packs all his things, we fight, I cry, we fight some more, then he almost kisses me
10. He says he wanted to kiss me but it's wrong so we can't sleepover each other's homes anymore

Wow that's a lot for just one day

You're telling me!


I fall back on my bed and I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. Yet I can't help but want to see or talk to Sean. I decided that texting him would be the safest route.

8:00 pm

Hey 👋🏻

Read 8:01

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