The Tigress and her bite mark

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Our first kiss was like an explosion. I couldn't get enough of her lips and the fact that she didn't pull away. The little sounds that slipped from her made me crave to hear more. I kept on kissing her until I couldn't breathe.

Wait what if she needs to breathe too?

I reluctantly pulled my lips from hers and pressed our foreheads together. I was breathing hard and so was she but I needed to tell her something.

"Kaycee... I have to tell you something."

I look at her cautiously but then I see that she is just staring at me all dazed and starry eyed. My brows inch higher up my forehead as I try to figure out what's going on with her. I gently cup her face in my hands and tell her again more firmly.

"Kaycee I have to tell you something important." I wait for her and stare at her closely. She blinks a couple times and let's out that giggle I love so much. Then she must notice my expression and resolves to stare back at me just as seriously but the corners of her mouth are struggling to not form a smile.

I start to laugh and she laughs along with me. We're both laughing but I still have my hands on her face and I stare at the beautiful creature before me and say,

"I love you Kaycee and if I'm being honest with myself... I think I have always loved you but I just didn't know it or recognize it. I'm also sorry that I stole your first kiss and that it happened here. I hope you can forgive me. I just couldn't stop myself. I love you!"

Her giggling stops and her brows furrow as if she's thinking about what she just heard. I panic and start to replay everything I just told her.

"Crap! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... freak I'm such an idiot!" I quickly let go of her and start getting up to move away from her. I need to get out of here. This is so embarrassing.

As I go to walk away I feel tiny hands latch onto mine and I turn to see these big hazel eyes staring at me. Yet there also is a quirked brow and a mischievous smirk gracing the face that is currently looking up at mine.

Freak me

"Seeeeean..." she says in a silky like molasses voice. I gulp and nod in acknowledgement. "First, your car is behind me..." she motions to the vehicle that is behind her and is in fact mine. "Second, you need to break up with Bailey." My eyes get big from how adamant her tone is but I nod to that as well. "Third, you may continue not stopping yourself."

Then in one swift motion, she practically yanks me to her and crashes her lips to mine once again. The first kiss was soft and tender but this kiss is so much more. It's almost primal with how fierce both of our lips are moving against each other. I had to pull away so I could catch my breath but she shocks me by moving her lips down my throat. I groan aloud and then I feel a slight pain on my neck.

What the heck?

Yo she just bit you!

I almost want to laugh at this tigress that came out of nowhere but I know I have to stop this before I can't stop myself. I pull her face back up the mine and kiss her gently. Slowly. Tenderly. Willing her to calm down. She sighs into my lips and then I can finally pull us apart.

"Where did that come from angel?" I say as I move in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead then pull away to see her. Her lips are swollen and I can still see hunger in her eyes as she stares at what I would assume to be the mark she left on my neck.

She smirks and looks up at me triumphantly then says, "Wouldn't you like to know..." I just laugh at her and she giggles along.

"C'mon let's go home Shamu then maybe we can pick up where we left off... before you tried to distract me with your soft kisses." She quirks her brow at me before getting into the car.


She knew

We are in so much trouble man...


Wow! I finally had time to come back on here 😊 I was shocked by how many of you missed my versions of Sean and Kaycee!

I apologize for the long break I took but things have been crazy busy for me. I hope to not take so long to update in the future.

In other news I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas 🎄

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