Cut It With A Knife

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We got in the car and I didn't know what to expect. He wasn't talking to me and I wasn't talking to him. To say it was awkward silence would be completely incorrect. It was more like a broiler room and you could cut the tension with a knife. I also tried my best to seem unbothered by looking in every direction but his.

He was driving faster than normal and every once and while he'd hit his steering wheel when someone cut him off. Every time it'd happen it would startle me and I'd flinch but immediately after that I'd hear him sigh and I'd get that feeling that he was staring at me. Yet he'd still wouldn't say anything. It partially drove me insane yet it also made me anxious at the same time.

After thirty minutes of this unnerving and confusing ride, we finally got to my house. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly got out of the car hoping that'd it'd decrease the tenseness I felt. Yet there was no such luck and the feeling got worse when I realized that there was no one home.

Great it's just going to be just the mute and I home alone.

How convenient

He always gets what he wants

I watch him as he unlocks the door with the spare key and walks in like it's his house. I see the lights turn on as he leaves the door open for me.

Is it awkward that I don't want to step into my own house?

Yes. Yes it is. Woman up and get in there!

I sigh and reluctantly make my way in. I close the door behind me and expect him to be in the parlor but he's not. I look in the kitchen and he isn't there either.

Hm... where can he be?

I check the guest room downstairs but he's not in there as well so I make my way to the stairs.  I pass our family photos on the wall and most times I don't pay attention to them since they've always been there. Yet for some reason as I slowly walk up I notice the boy with dark hair and dimples seems to be gracing lots of them. It makes me reluctantly smile.

By the time I reach the top I see that my room door is open and that there's lots of rustling going on. At this sound I pick up my pace and get to my room in two seconds flat.

"What're you doing?!" I ask him with irritation evident in my voice but before I continue I can see him packing up his things. He's grabbing all of his spare clothes (one for every occasion), his cds, his books, and even Lil O (the stuffed dog I gave him that looks like Oreo). I don't know why but seeing him do this makes my stomach sink and I actually hold it to try to ease the feeling.

He doesn't look up at me or acknowledge me. I know this may be stupid but now all I want to do is take back what I said this morning if that means he'd stop yet I stand there frozen. When mostly all of the traces of him are packed away in a duffle bag I finally get the courage to say something.

"S-Sean" I hate how my voice cracks when I say his name but he still doesn't turn to me. He just keeps fiddling with the bag. "Sean look at me please..." I plead with him and I can feel the tears brimming at my eyes. He finally stares at me with a cold expression and flatly says "What Kaycee? What do you want?"

I'm shocked by how void of emotion he seems and it's at this point that the tears start to flow. I try my best to retract them but doing that makes me cry even more. I couldn't help it and I don't know why. Through my tears I can see a bit of the coldness disappear but he stays firmly planted where he is, waiting for me to say something.

I suck in a breathe before I say "I don't want you to g-go. Please stay. I'm sorry for getting m-mad at you earlier..." I tell him sincerely but he still doesn't say anything. He clenches his jaw and seems to be having an internal battle with himself but the cold side won.

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