new beginnings

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Dan looked around his now completely bare room, in less then a few hours he would be in a completely new place in a completely new school with completely new people.


"Dan the car is here! Are you ready to go?" His mother calls from the living room.

"Coming mom!" Dan picks up his suitcase and gives his room one last look, he had to keep a positive mind, there were better opportunities for his mother in London.

"How are you feeling?" His mother asks as they get closer and closer to their new home.

He continues looking out the window. "A bit know for school."
She smiles softly and grips his hand. "I know, I'm sorry we had to pack up and leave all at once."

"It's fine mom, I bet you'll be great at your new job."

She tints pink, "Well I haven't been completely honest with you bear."

Dan turns to her. "What?"

"Well I do have a new job but it's all thanks to George." She smiles softly.
"George? Who's that?"

"He's this really nice man I met in college, and we got back in touch a month ago,we're going to be living in one of his houses."

"One?" Dan's eyes go wide, "exactly how rich is this guy?"
His mother pinched his hand. "I am not that type of lady!"

This time Dan goes pink. "No not at all! I'm just saying, what exactly does he do?"

"He's an accountant for a big business, he recently got a promotion and he was nice enough to request me for a job there."

"Oh." Dan looks back out the window rubbing his hand. "You like him?"

"We're going on a date this Saturday, I don't trust you in the house by yourself, so by that time you need to make new friend."

Dan bumped his head up against the window as a answer to that statement.


"Oh it's beautiful." They get out the car to a huge white house with lots of windows everywhere.

The moving van came beeping from behind them. "Yea it's cool." Dan kicks one of his scuffed leather converse on the ground.

She laughs and hugs him close, "Oh come on! Lighten up bear, it's going to be great I promise."

"Sure." Dan grumbles. She just ruffles his hair and slips in front of him to use her new keys on the ornate door. The moving people walk past him carrying large boxes, grumbling about back pain.

Dan takes out a small locket out his back pocket and opens it, revealing a picture of his Dad who had curly hair just like him. He smiles a little before putting it away. Then he looks around the street, it was super quiet here, maybe only old people lived in this neighborhood.

For some reason though, his eyes trained up to the other white house just across from him. A curtain was open, and a boy with raven black hair and glasses caught his eye and waved.

Oh shit is he waving at me? Dan looks behind him and back up at the boy who was now laughing a little. Dan shyly waved before running in the house after his mom and almost hit a mover in the process, he could feel the other laughing at him.

how do you like lost so far? :)


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