dan & thomas

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Dan spent the whole week at home sulking, only getting out of bed to use the bathroom. His mother brought him food when she was at home but when she went to work, he had to get up himself and go to the kitchen to eat the endless supply of Oreos. Also, the only time he really talked was to answer his mother when she asked how he was feeling and to tell her to bring Thomas into his room.

Dan and Thomas got along well now. They had great conversations even though it was pretty much one sided and Dan even came out to him since he new Thomas couldn't actually form a coherent sentence to tell anyone.

It was Saturday now and Thomas was playing with his stuffies on his bed as Dan lay there listening to sad music that was playing from his computer. His door opens. It was his mom who was throwing on a jacket.

"Dan I have to go pick up some more formula for Thomas, you can watch him while I'm gone right?"

"Sure mom." He says as he sits up and puts Thomas in his lap, "we'll be just fine."

She nods and gets ready to leave before she shakes her head. "You know what? You haven't been out in a while, how about you take Thomas to the park?"

Dan immediately froze as he hears the word park. What if he saw him there? "We can just have fun at home."

She rolls her eyes and coos to Thomas. "Thomas would you like to go to the park?"

Thomas squeals excitedly and jumps in Dan's arms. "See? He wants to go."

"I think because you were smiling and and making those noises is the only reason why he responded like that."

She frowns. "Dan do as I say. Go to the park." Then she walks out, slamming the door behind her.

Dan sighs and turns him around in his arms so the force of his bright blue eyes were on him. "You really want to go to the park?"

Thomas gurgles and makes a grab for for his black earring.

"Fine don't put up a fight about it. We're going."


Dan had gotten stopped by several girls on his way to the park and at the park as they gushed over how cute Thomas was.

"Is he yours?" one girl asked as she stroked his soft red hair.

Dan gave her the dumbest look. "No the fuck? This baby looks nothing like me!"

"You look like such a dad wearing this baby carrier." another says as she inspects his body.

"Well I'm super gay so..." and then he side steps the hell away from her.

A wind had picked up as they were now walking away from the park. They weren't going home either, Dan just felt like walking to who knows where. Thomas gave a cute tiny sigh as he rested his small head against his warm chest, his eyes dropping closed slowly.

"That's right go to sleep Thomas you've worked so hard today attracting girls and no boys."

They walk a few more steps until Dan sighs. "Okay maybe that was a little rude, you probably tried your best, you know what? I don't even we've properly met since we're best friends now. We got to work together on these things. I'm Dan."

Dan was going crazy. He was talking to a asleep baby that was strapped to his chest by a contraption that took him hours to figure out how to put on. Was this how low he was in life right now?

"D-Dan." a sleepy voice says.

He stops immediately and looks around. Was he going crazy or... "Did you say something?"

All he got in reply was a soft yawn and a little smile as Thomas drifts off to sleep.

i'm fucking sick but that's okay :))) this chapter made me want to fucking cry highkey


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