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She had strawberry blonde hair with black shades sitting perfectly on top of her head even though it was cloudy this morning and her pink lip gloss glistened as her blue eyes pierced Dan's.

"Who is he?" She asks as she looks at Phil skeptically.
"He's Dan, he moved in yesterday, I'm giving him a ride to school." Phil answers nonchalantly.

"He's in my seat." She sniffs, glaring at him.

Phil chuckles a little, "Dan can you please move to the back so Stephanie can sit in her seat?"

Dan looks at him blankly for a moment, still in shock over the whole girlfriend thing before coming back to reality. "Oh! Um, sure." He gets out and passes her, she smelled like freshly picked strawberries.

When they all get situated in the car, the girlfriend, Stephanie, grabs Phil's chin and turns it towards her. They kiss for a few seconds and Dan looks out the window awkwardly, wishing he had just gotten on the bus.

"Thanks for the gift." She says cheerfully when they pull apart and Phil starts driving.
"I'm glad you liked it." Phil replied smiling.

The gift was a beautiful silver necklace that she was twisting in her fingers as she spoke. This had to be the gift that Phil had dropped off at her house.
"You've always been the romantic." She grins and grabs his hand from the wheel and holds it, "but you know I don't like silver."

"That's all they had from that brand Steph."

"But you know I don't like silver." She says again pointedly.

Dan noticed that Phil's jaw had clenched a little at the statement and Dan got slightly scared about what he was going to do. Surprisingly, Phil kept his voice calm.
"It's still a beautiful necklace, I don't want to take it back, how about you give it away to one of your friends?"

She rolls her eyes. "And let them get my boyfriends gift from me? No thanks."

"Then don't complain." She opens her mouth to say something back to that but Phil interrupts her quickly. "or maybe you should give it to Dan."

"What makes you think that he wants it?" She turns around to look at him, and Dan's ears tint pink as he looks away from her.

Phil discreetly slides his hand out hers and places it back on the steering wheel. "I was only joking Steph, chill."

Stephanie turns around and huffs in her seat.

What a bitch was all Dan could think about the rest of the way to school.


"Hey Dan you want to sit with me?" Phil asks as Dan was making a path to the boys bathroom.

"I was actually just going to sit in the bathroom, lunch really isn't my favorite time of the day." He admits but Phil was tugging his arm back to his table where his tray was waiting.

They sit, and Phil immediately starts digging into his pizza. "Nonsense Dan, we're friends now, you can sit with me."

His hearts swells as he hears the words come out of his mouth and a small smile creeps up on his face. Friends. He liked that.
"Stephanie is always gone at lunch anyway, she stays in the bathroom with her friends, probably doing her hair or something I don't know." Phil shrugs, wiping his mouth.

Before Dan could stop himself, he blurts out a question. "Why do you stay with her?"
Phil looks at him shocked before he chuckles lightly. "Well, That's my business."

"Oh." Dan looks down embarrassed, Phil coughs a little. "Oh! No! I mean, I don't keep her around for sex if that's what you're wondering, she's actually pretty nice when she can be, I was just joking."

"No! It's fine, that's not what I was thinking at all!" Dan lies and his ears go red. "can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Phil smiles.

"Well, my mom has like this date night thing Saturday and..." he stutters, what if he said no?

"And...?" Phil pushes, he had a goofy smile on his face.

"Well she doesn't like it when I stay home alone.." Dan was breathing hard.

Phil pats him on the shoulder. "Dan. Do you want to stay the night at my house?"
"Stay the night!" Dan gasps, "no, I don't want to bother you if you have somewhere to be with um Stephanie."

Phil waved him off. "It's fine really I don't usually go out on the weekends anyway, just come over when you're ready tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." Dan said weakly.

oh what will happen saturday?


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