what are we?

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"So that's how your vaction from school went? Dan I was honestly so worried about you I wanted to call your house, but then I would see Phil's face and he would look so sad so I knew it had something to do with the two of you."

"Sorry I kept you in the dark for so long, I was just really upset."

Mrs. Simmons smiles. "It's nothing to apologize for. So, the real question is...are you guys a thing?"

Dan goes red as he looks down at his feet. "I don't know honestly. We're supposed to talk about it after school but....we did kiss again in his car this morning."

She squeals and covers her mouth with her hands. "That's so....excuse my langauge...fucking cute!!"
Dan laughs and touches his lips, remebering the soft kiss. "I really like him, and I hope he is into me as much as I'm into him."

Samantha shakes her head in disapprovement, "You turned a straight boy gay so he must be into you, where's prince charming anyway? He was supposed to meet with us."

"He had went to go talk with Stephanie I hope it goes well."

"I hope your date at his house goes well, use protection."
Dan's ears go pink. "Is it bad that I don't know the first thing about sex?"
"Don't worry Phil will teach you."

She starts laughing at his puzzled expression. "But seriously, tell him about how you came out to your mom, that should make him feel better at being true to himself, but just remeber to give him sometime to sort this stuff out, he seems like the type to be overwhelmed about his gay awakening."

He nods and then the bell overhead rings. She hands him his pass. "You better be official tommorow, and we all need to sit in here and be gay together tomorrow too."

Dan gives her a thumbs up before walking out.


Dan was sitting on Phil's bed watching him hold his head in his hands as he muttered to himself. "My dad...I'm going to have to tell him, and he's usually okay with a lot of things but this?"

"Phil you don't have to tell him right away, give yourself time to figure this out, and you're 18 anyways, if he doesn't approve you can come live with me."

He lets out a harsh laugh, "Dan that's nice and all but my dad is basically the only family I have left to talk to, his opinon matters to me."

"If it makes you feel any better I came out to my mom yesterday."

Phil looks at him shocked. "Really? How did she take it?"
"She was surprised, but she knew that it didn't change anything about me."

Phil reaches across and grabs his hands. "How did you do it?"

"I just went and told her but Phil you don't have to do that just yet, you can wait until you're ready you know?"

"Yeah...thanks Dan."
"No problem."

Then things get quiet as Phil coughs and starts playing with his fingers. Dan felt a little awkward to knowing that the next question was floating in the air.

"This might be really obvious," Phil says, "but I really like you and I was hoping we could be more than friends?"

Dan snorts. "That's a lame way for asking me to be your boyfriend." He cups Phil's face in his hands, "but its a definite yes."

He smiles, then Phil tilts Dan's chin up slightly and kisses him. Dan's heart thumps madly in his chest, he has never felt this way about anyone before. Phil made him feel like he was floating on a cloud, that he could do anything if he was beside him.

Phil's hands starts roaming his body, traveling down his arms then to his sides. He picks Dan up so that he was sitting on his lap and the kiss deepens and gets hotter. Now Dan's heart was beating fast for another reason as Phil's hands went from his thighs and to the front of his shirt where it lifted up.

"I-I-I should be getting home." Dan says out of breath as he takes Phil's hands away from underneath his shirt.

Phil looks utterly shocked and embarrassed. "Oh okay....sorry for the-"

"No no! it's fine! I just have to go you know?" He chuckles fakley, "um...see you tomorrow?"

"Sure sure." Phil was facing the floor, "I'll pick you up."

"Okay, bye Phil."


When Dan was outside that's whe he started silently cursing at himself. "Stupid. Stupid! I'm fucking dumb! Why the hell did I freeze up like that?"

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