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"So how did it go?" Dan's mom asks later that night as she made spaghetti, the chocolate cake still sat on the table untouched because some funny juice dripped out of it just a few minutes ago.

Dan looks up from his homework that was piled on him the minute he got in the other classes. "It was okay, Phil is in all my classes."

She drops the noodles in the pot, "Phil? Who's that?"

"The boy across the street who lives with his dad." He answers nonchalantly as he tries to understand the grammar in his ELA class.

She squeals happily. "Is he your friend?  I hope he is! Doesn't he have a car,  Did he drive you to school!"
"Mom!" Dan says turning around to face her, "I rode the bus to and from school, I didn't feel like bothering him with my needs."

She ties her brown hair up in a ponytail and huffs as she goes back to stirring the noodles. "Well remember you have to find one friend to hang out with by this Saturday and you have a perfectly good one across the street!"

A perfectly hot one. Dan thinks, "I don't know mom, he's him and I'm awkward and greasy."

"Why are you greasy?" She laughs, "Bear honey, he's just a boy, it's not like he's some girl, just go talk to him."

So...Dan hasn't came out to his mom yet. Even though he feels like she would be really supportive, he's not ready for that kind of pressure yet.

"Enough about friends, tell me about your day, was it good?"

She sighs happily. "It was great! When I got there George had a fresh hot cup of coffee waiting for me with the right amount of cream and sugar and...."

She keeps talking but Dan gets distracted as he sees the front door open across the street and sees Phil step out with a box in his hands. Was he coming over here? I look like a whole trash can! He scrambles up and runs up the stairs to go change out of his stained sweatpants and baggy shirt.

"Dan?" His mom calls but he ignores her as he slams his door and peers out the window.

He sighs in relief and in disappointment as he sees him jog down the street with the small box. What was in it?  He only goes a few houses down and he literally has to open his window and stick his head out more to see him knock on the door and run away. He wanted to see who would open it.


He almost breaks his neck trying to scramble back in his window. "I wasn't spying!" He yells before he shuts it and draws the curtains.

Crap crap crap. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just leave Phil alone?

He decides to walk back down the stairs, eat dinner, and go to sleep. Hopefully when he woke up he would be back home and all of this had been some nightmare. But he had to check one last time before he left. He peeks out his curtains and sees Phil walk back inside his house. The coast was clear. He raises his window again and looks out. The package was gone that quickly. Who was it for?


Dan was already walking out the door the next morning, feeling good that he wasn't rushing this morning. He was also trying to not look across the street. If Phil asked he would say no, it was that easy.

He hears the front door close and he almost looks up but he forces his eyes to stay on the ground.

"Dan, do you need a ride?" He calls over to him.

Ignore him, just pretend like you can't hear him.
"Dan! Hello? I can take you to school!"

He couldn't help it, he looks up. "No it's fine!" He speaks up.

Phil crosses his arms and playfully glares at him before he starts walking towards him.

This wasn't part of the plan! Dan stayed frozen to the spot as he stood in front of him . Holy shit he was tall. "Come on man, I'll take you," He grabs his arm and starts pulling him across the street back to his car.

Dan was hyperventilating way to much. He wondered if Phil could hear it. He opens the front door for him and Dan automatically gets in. The bus rolls right past his house. It's to late to escape now.

"Okay.." Phil gets in and closes his own door and immediately turns up the heat. "I just have to pick up my girlfriend first and then we'll go to school okay?"


oh shoot.


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