coming out

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It was something Dan knew he had to do at one point but still it was nerve racking. He had spent all night thinking about it and on a fine Sunday morning is when he finally mustered up the courage to do it. Dan had practiced in front of Thomas many times and also in front of his mirror so he had gotten what he was going to say down.

They weren't very religous so he didn't have to worry about the 'you'll be punished for this' speech. All he had to think about was is if his mother would accept him or not. That was the biggest thing. So, with his heart beating rapidly in his chest, and his hands unbelievably sweaty, he walks down the long staircase, taking his time to review his thoughts.

He was doing this because of Phil. Or maybe for him, he didn't know. All he understood was after that mindblowing, heartstopping kiss, he felt like it was finally time to this, if they were to end up together, because they weren't exactly offical yet, Dan had to tell his mom who he was dating. For Phil's sake though, Dan felt like if he told him that he had came out to his mom it would make him less afraid of admitting it to himself.

"Nice of you to join us for breakfast." She smiles from feeding Thomas a bowl of applesauce.

Dan had to snap out his thoughts as he smiles a little and goes to the fridge to pull out some milk and then over to the cabinet to grab a bowl. "Yea I was up but I just didn't feel like getting out of bed."

"That does sound very Dan." she laughs.

Dan grabs a cereal box and pours it in the bowl then adds a liitle to much milk, he was nervous and he wasn't really paying attention.

"Thomas don't spit your food out like that." Caroline scolds as he hangs his mouth open and just lets the food slide out his mouth.

Dan had to laugh, Thomas was always very stubborn. He starts stirring his cereal around in his bowl, not really hungry.

"You okay Dan honey?"
"Yes but..I have to tell you something."

That's when she puts down the spoon and gives him her full attention. Dan felt like he was going to be sick. His stomach couldn't stop doing flips.



His mouth had gone bone dry but his body was sweating uncontrollably. His throat felt closed up.

"I like boys."

Caroline blinks and her mouth hangs opens just slightly. Dan waits patiently for her to say something, her reaction is what he expected but how she took it was another thing. He did feel a weight lift off his shoulders since it was finally out. Dan just looks at her and it's as if she's frozen in time. She hasn't said anything for a long time and Dan was starting to worry.

"Mom? Please say something."

She finally blinks again and it seems like she had to focus back on her son. "Well, this is shocking to say the least."

Dan motions for her to keep talking, he wanted to hear all that she had to say.

"I mean I knew you had a problem talking to girls but I know that's you being awkward."
"And I still am!" Dan confirms, "I don't know how to talk to any one to be honest."

Caroline continues to stare at him. "I've been friends with some parents who told me that when their child came out to them, they saw them diffrently, in a new light but you're just the same Dan as always."

He felt like he might cry. "Mom..."
"It will take some getting used to, but other than the fact that I don't have to worry about you getting someone pregnant, I am totally fine with this,"

Dan had to get up and hug her. The amount of relief that had washed over him was indescribable. "I might still have a kid one day, if they're anything like Thomas."

She squeals. "Really? Oh I can't wait for that!"

He just laughs and hugs her more.

i still haven't came out to my mom bc she is super religous and homophobic so i have decided to wait till i'm 18 so i can just dip the minute i do it.
btw i see every other author doing it so...







mrs. simmons

ask questions and the answers will come soon enough! if you have anymore questions about dan knowing he was gay ask now bc i don't think i'll go more into it with the story.

instagram: streetlightchaser
tumblr: streetlightchaser
twitter: x_dreamerx_


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