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"I'm did what?" Samantha says, spewing out some of her sandwich on her desk.

Dan hides his red face in his hands. "I didn't mean to! It looked like he wanted it!"

"Dan he's 'straight' you can't confuse a straight boy like that!"

"I know!" Dan groans, "you should've seen his face! That's why I didn't come in this morning, I hid in the bathroom till lunch out of embarrassment."

"As your teacher I should get you in trouble for skipping, but as your friend....well this is a big situation so I don't blame you." She says, "but I was wondering why Phil came in looking dazed and half out of his mind."

Dan looks up from his hands quickly. "Really?"

Samantha nods but then turns serious. "Dan you can't hide from him forever, I say you should talk to him and explain things, and ask if it's okay if you guys can still hang out."

Dan sighs, "You're right, I should catch him before lunch ends." He waves her goodbye and walks out the door, recalling this mornings previous events.

_____   *flashback*

"You've been so quiet ever since I picked you up, what's wrong?" Phil asks as they pulled into the school parking lot.

Dan sighs, "I'm just worried about my mom, she came home blonde yesterday and she's just not acting like herself."

"I haven't had the opportunity to meet your mom, why is she blonde?"

"Some jerk at work basically told her to." He huffs.

"Is this the new guy she met?"

Dan had forgotten that he told him about that a long time ago. "Yea, but I don't approve."

It was quiet in the car for a few seconds. Dan looks out the window at the students that always came into the school early. It was only 7:30 and class didn't officially start till 8:00.

"Hey Dan, look at me," Phil says in a soft voice.

Dan turns his gaze to his mesmerizing blue eyes. He intakes a breath as Phil encases his hands in his warm ones. He held them with such security as he kept eye contact.

"Cheer up okay? I don't like seeing you upset."

"O-Okay." Dan stutters and pink creeps into his cheeks.

Phil chuckles a little and brings one of his hands out to caress the splash of color, leaving Dan breathless.

Then time stops, and Dan was unaware that he was leaning forward. His eyes slipped shut on their own accord and then....his lips were on his.

Just barely, a slight touch. Not enough to feel the full effect of a kiss. Dan stayed and didn't move. Phil on the other hand was stiff and rigid as the affects of another man kissing him kicks in.

Then time resumes as Phil pushes him off quickly, a surprised look in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Dan's mouth flopped open but he shut it quickly as his face goes beet red. "I-I'm..... I'm going to go."

He grabs his bag and dashed out the car into the school.

___  *present*

He catches Phil right before he enters the classroom and surprisingly Phil is the one who looks embarrassed as he looks down quickly and toes the ground.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Dan asks a little shakily as he looks up at him.

"Sure." was all he responded with.

Dan takes a deep breath. "I didn't mean to do that in the car this morning, it was a accident, I'm sorry, and I was also wondering if we were still going to the park together?"

Phil looks at him for a moment before shrugging. "It's cool, and I know you couldn't help it with me being sexy as hell and you being gay and all."

Dan knees him so hard that he crumbles over and his glasses fall to the floor. He whimpers softly.

"See you Saturday." He says before walking in the classroom.

so.....i was listening to taehyung's singularity and jimin's serendipity while i was typing this and like.....fuck.


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