the garden

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Phil was sitting beside Dan in his seat as he watches him and Mrs. Simmons talking to each other happily before looking over at him.

"So? you'll treat him right?" She asks with a small smile on her face.
His mind drifts to the image of seeing Dan crying and screaming at him in the rain."I wouldn't dream of upsetting him."

She claps. "Well I definitely approve, but I got to leave early today, meetings you know?"

They wave bye to her as she grabs her bag and leaves out the classroom.
"We should get going too." Dan says.

Phil goes quite for a moment. "Wasn't she supposed to give us a pass?"

Dan curses as he gets up from his chair but Phil stops him by grabbing his wrist. "Let's just skip."
"What no, why?"
"Because I want to show you something."

Dan thinks for a moment, chewing on his lip. He loos at Phil's pleading blue eyes. This better not be a scam to get me in his bed. Dan thinks. "Fine, but just this once okay?"

In excitment, Phil hops up and litters his face in kisses Dan laughs slightly and pushes him back. "Okay! don't smother me!"
"Let's go, I know the perfect place."

As Phil pulls him out of the class leaving him wondering where they were actually going.


They pulled up to a split in the road. Phil turns off the car and gives Dan a small smile.

"We're not walking." Dan says as he looks at the long road ahead of them.

He laughs. "It's not a long walk I promise, and it will be worth it."

Dan sighs loudly as he opens the door and waits for Phil to get out himself. When he does, they join hands and start to walk on the left path.
"Why are you bringing me here?"

Then Phil had went silent for a long time. Dan thought he didn't hear him but it was obvious he did since it was just them walking on a small path. He hoped he hadn't stepped over the line.

"I come here to think by myself a lot." He finally answers as they come to a bunch of green leaves covering the entrance, "and I would like to share it with you."

"Okay, thanks Phil."
"I know it's probably to soon, but I decided to do this, because I really enjoy your company."

"Cheesy." Dan teases,squeezing his hand.

Phil laughs nervously as he puts his hand on the leaves. Dan looks expectantly as the leaves fall back and reveal...

"Oh my god Phil!"

It was a large grassy area where red flowers seemed to survive the cold weather, were in full bloom. It was a on a edge that looked out into the ocean and the bright clear sky. Large trees provided shade for them. Phil pulls dan into the secluded spot and they sit down in the soft grass.

"It looks a lot better when its dark out but I couldn't wait to show you." He says fondly.
Dan shakes his head surprised. "Don't worry this is enough."

They both go silent agian as Dan gets lost in the scenery of the beautiful garden. He looks over at Phil who had a small smie playing on his lips. "I discovered this place when I got the news my mother died in a car accident, I kind of ran into it." he chuckles.

Dan was frozen to the spot as he looks at Phil, he looks down at him too. "Don't give me that look, I'm fine."

His eyes flick down, cheeks heating up, he mutters out an apology.
"Don't apologize it's not your fault. I'm glad I found someone to share this with for once though."

Dan smiles. He was glad he cut school to spend time with Phil somewhere diffrent. He lay his head on his shoulder and kept their hands fully intertwined as they watched the waves from far below.

gave you an actual couple chapter without any drama but i accidentally spilled some drama in my plot pot whoops.

also, i have such a big announcement but i have to wait a little bit more before i say it and it's killing me.

p.s. the interview is coming next!


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