phil's house pt 2

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Dan kept staring. He couldn't look away. Phil's hair fell in pieces over his forehead and he kept having to pull the towel up more over his hips.
"Good god." Dan mutters, mostly to himself.

Phil pulls a confused yet amused expression on his face. "What? Dan?"
He comes over to him and starts snapping in his face. Dan blinks twice and comes back to reality. His cheeks heat up.

"Um, are you okay?" Phil chuckles as he walks over to his dresser and starts pulling out clothing.

"Y-yea." Dan searches a way to get out of this, "I was just surprised that you came out half naked."

"Well I have to get my clothes somehow Dan." Phil laughs.

Dan makes a noise of agreement as he begins to stare at his strong back muscles.

"So what do you want to do?" He fiddles with the towel and Dan turns his head sharply before he could see anything else, he hears the towel hit the floor . "we could just talk or something, but we're having dinner in a few minutes."

Dan is trying so hard not to turn around and look as he hears Phil step into his clothing. "I'm not a really big talker." He mumbles.

"Yea I figured." Phil walks back over to him. The fucker didn't have a shirt on, "you don't talk a lot."

"Mhmm." Dan answers. He keeps his eyes down as Phil collapses on the bed beside him. He pokes his arm. "Dannnn talk to me." He wines jokingly.

"What do you want me to say?" Dan mumbles.

"Well for one take off your shoes, get comfortable." Phil says. "and talk to me, why did you move to London?"

Dan strips out his shoes slowly as he tries to figure out how to word it. "My mom met someone who gave her a good job opportunity, they're like a thing I guess?"

"So, did you want to move?"
"Well, I would do anything for my mom, if she's happy, I am."

It was quiet for a moment. "That's nice of you Dan."
Dan smiles a little, "Thanks, what about you?"

"Well it's been me and my dad since last year. My mom....." He trails off and he looks up at the ceiling.

"I didn't mean to get all up in your personal life." Dan stutters out quickly.

Phil clears his throat. "No it's fine, let's just change the subject, do you want to play a game?"



Dan was sitting on Phil's bed facing him. The tips of his ears bright red as Phil studies his face cautiously.
"You're lying, strip."

"No I'm not." Dan lies easily.

"Your ears give you away." Phil says, "strip."

"Can't I just skip this round?" Dan pleads, covering his heated ears.

Phil laughs, "Dan you've skipped the last three rounds after you took off your socks."
"This isn't fair." Dan huffs.

"Fine, to make it fair, I'll take off my sweatpants." Phil stands up from the bed and hooks his thumbs around the waistband.

"No. No. No I was just kidding! You don't have- oh god you're doing it"

To see Phil only in his white boxers was something Dan never think was going to happen to him in his life. He pushes his black glasses back up the bridge of his nose and sits back on the bed. "Come on Dan, we're just two guys, this means nothing, now if we had some girls..."Phil winks.

"Phil you have a girlfriend!" Dan reminds him and he laughs.
"Dan I know! I mean for you! Haven't you ever seen a girls boobs before?"

Dan goes scarlet and he draws his knees up to his chest. Why him?
"Damn, I didn't mean to make you cry, it's okay if you haven't seen a pair." Phil says awkwardly.

That's when Dan starts laughing. Loudly. Phil looks at him weirdly as Dan throws his head back and almost falls to the floor.
"Um. Dan?" He has been laughing for awhile now.

"Phil.. you.. you're to funny." Dan pants as he catches his breath.
"I didn't say anything remotely funny." Phil says slowly, "are you okay?"

Dan sighs and nods. "Yea, I just want to sleep now."
"Without dinner?" Phil asks.

Dan just shrugged, he barely ate anyway, he mostly ate breakfast and lunch. "Can you hand me a blanket so I can sleep on the floor?"

Phil looked at him shocked. "You can sleep in my bed, I'll stay on the floor."
"Really?" Dan said, "I don't want to take your bed."

Phil waves him off and goes to his closet where he pulls out another blanket. "It's all good, just throw me a pillow yeah?"

Dan tosses him one and in a few minutes the lights were out and they were both under the blankets entrapped in darkness. Dan rolled over in his stomach and he tried not to notice how Phil's scent was all around him, he wrapped his arms around the pillow and smiled.


Dan woke up with Phil's arms wrapped tightly around him, his warm breath on his neck.

"Wha? Phil!" He screamed as he climbed out his arms quickly.

He sat up drowsily rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry, I got cold, and I have this thing were I always have to wrap my arms around something, but like no homo though okay?"

yea okay phil sorry for the slow update !


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