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a/n: this is a special chapter so that's why it's long! yw ;)

Dan needed clothes. At the rate he was growing, all of his pants were past his ankles. He asked his mom and she had also agreed that he needed more and handed him her card, telling him not to spend a lot.

There was a slight drizzle as he walks out the house. He wishes he could take Thomas with him but he didn't want him to get sick and he hasn't really talked much after the whole 'my first word was the name of a depressed gay teenager' incident. He still hasn't told his mom about that. Both. Being gay and Thomas' first word.

He shivers slightly and puts the collar of his jacket further around his neck and face as he shields his phone from the cold drops of rain, he was looking at a map to the store on his it. You could walk almost everywhere here.

His curls has turned curlier with the never ceasing rainfall and he was soaked like a dog as he finally pushes open the door to a little thrift store. A bell jungles above and a employee looks and smiles at him before turning back to restocking clothes.

It was always hard shopping. He never knew what he wanted, jeans all looked the same to him but according to his mom they had something called fibers??

He goes to a rack and starts looking for his size of jeans, maybe he should go up a size so he can grow into them...no but then they would be big around his waist-

"Phil look at this cute top!"

Dan instinctively ducks behind the rack and peeks out behind the stack of clothes as he sees Phil standing there with a girl that was holding a sequin baby blue top up for him to admire. No that can't be...

"That's cute Stephanie, get anything you want, I'm paying."

What the fuck! Dan puts a hand over his mouth and sinks to the floor just like how his heart sank to his stomach. Why was he with her? Right now in this store. He wasn't even aware that he was crying until he sniffles quite loudly as hot tears ran freely down his still cold cheeks. He still wasn't over him, it has only been a week and a half. It hurts. It hurts so much.

Feet hit his side and a collective gasp comes from above. "Oh I'm sorry! Wait..Dan?"

Dan gets up quickly. He glares at him with such force, Phil immediately steps back in shock.
"Are you crying?"

"Move." Dan chokes out as he pushes past him and walks out the door, the cheerful bell ringing again.

The rain was coming down in sheets now. He could barely see in front of him but he kept walking. He needed to get away from him.

Dan knew he wasn't dreaming. This unbearable pain is how he knew he was awake.

"Dan!" A voice shouts in the distance.

He keeps walking faster. How could he be so stupid? Out of all the places he could be it had to be somewhere where he was and with her out of all the people! Why in the world was she there. He thought Phil had gotten rid of her!

Dan was so invested in his thoughts that his foot hit the step up of a sidewalk and fell face first in the grass. He must be in front of his house where the pavement starts. He didn't feel like getting up, he just curls in a ball and cries more, it was cold, the only thing warm on him was his tears and the vapor his breath created as he shook with shock, anger, sadness, and hurt at the same time.

"Dan where are you!" His voice calls again.
Of course Dan doesn't answer. He didn't have the voice to if he had to.

After a few more shouts of his name, his stumbles up on his curled up body and kneels next to him, pulling him in a warm hug.

"Oh god you're freezing! Come on, I have to get you inside."

That's when Dan found his voice and snaps out of it. He pushes away from him with all his force and struggles to stand. "Stay away from me!" He shouts, rubbing the wetness out his eyes, "I don't want to see you ever again!"

Phil looks at him helplessly as he keeps pushing his sliding glasses up his nose. "Dan, please."

"No! I won't take any of that from you! You have caused me so much pain and you show up here saying 'please'? You're pathetic."

Phil stands up from his kneeled stance on the ground. "You just have to listen to me okay? I'm sorry."

Dan's was getting angrier as he looks at his pleading face. He hated falling for that stupid face. "You're right you're sorry! I went a week and a half thinking that you hated me! Thinking that I did something wrong! But then I see you in store offering to by a fucking top for your bitchy ex? What the fuck!"

Phil was coming closer and Dan tenses up, backing away slightly. Phil takes the hint and stops walking. They stand a foot apart. His raven hair and fallen in wet strands across his forehead as he breathes heavily.

"Have nothing to say do you?" Dan says smartly, "it's because you know it's true-"

Then soft lips touch his, and Dan is immediately floating. Hands cradle his salty wet cheeks as Dan relaxes into his hard chest and the two boys kiss passionately under the rain. His heart pounds in his ears and all the other sounds in the world go into a quiet ringing. It was like all the happiest memories poured into a bottle of rare wine. It felt like fireworks were being exploded in the sky just for them. It felt like joy. It felt like Phil was trying to give him the whole universe just in a matter of seconds.

They pull apart slowly. Dan feeling much warmer now. He smiles softly but Phil takes his hands through his drenched hair and pulls.

"I...I'm so confused!" He yells and his voice cracks a little. He gives Dan a helpless look.


"Dan I- I don't know but you drive me fucking crazy okay? I think about you all the time, a-and when I'm around you my heart beats really fast! And I can't even think about girls the same anymore, all I think about is you! Being with you and kissing you..." he looks defeated as he bends his head.

Dan touches his shoulder. "Phil? Look at me, I can help you get through this."

"D-Dan I didn't think I was...I was..like that and Stephanie showed me some pictures she took of us at the park and threatened to show the school and I had to Dan I'm so sorry."

Dan stood there shocked. For some reason, something in the back of his head told him that Stephanie might've had something to do with Phil's sudden disappearance but the grief clouded his actual thinking.

He looks up at Phil who looks as if he's about to cry. He pats his shoulder again and pushes his glasses back up his nose, they were splattered with raindrops and foggy,he wonders if he could still see out of them.

"We'll work through this okay? Don't panic Phil."

He nods and lets a small smile lift the corner of his lip. "I guess I'll um...see you tomorrow?"

Dan grins, he missed hearing that. "Yea, I'll just go drop my phone in a bowl of rice now."

Phil chuckles. "Me too." He turns to go before he laughs nervously and comes back to give him another slight peck on the lips which still makes Dan's toes inside his soaked shoes. "bye Dan."

"Bye Phil."

And then he leaves, leaving his entire existence smeared on Dan's lips.

merry christmas! um one of my books got taken down like what???? but i hope this was a good enough present for you guys!


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