Chapter 15

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"Liam!" I yell, wrapping my arms around him.

He responds with a tight hug.

"Jennifer." He whispers softly.

He still looks the same, the messy brown hair, his beard grown out. He wears a blue button-down shirt with grey cargo jeans.

"I should've dressed up a little more, right?" I study him, smiling slightly. It's hard to keep in my excitement that he's here.

"Uh, no." He looks at my pajamas and glances to the side, smirking.

I laugh.

"I'll be one second, just hang out in the lounge room." I say.

It's then I realise he must be curious I'm at Josh's house, luckily he doesn't say anything until I've gotten dressed.

I put on tights, a light blue skirt, an American t-shirt and long thick coat. I put on some heels for the occasion, even though they're difficult to walk around in.

"Lovely." Liam smiles at me when I walk out.

"Thank you." I nod, looping my arm through his.

We walk side-by-side outside to his car, he opens the door for me.

"Gentleman." I laugh as he gets in.

"Of course." He winks.

We put on our seatbelt and he starts the car, he puts on the radio but turns it down when he talks.

"How are you and Nick? I'm judging not good by the fact you're at Josh's house." Liam's eyes are focused in front, but I still feel like he can see me, it makes me feel comfortable. He has a way to do that, make people feel included.

"Hmm, that's a hard one." I puff.

"You can tell me you know." He nods.

"Okay, but this could take a while."

"A while is fine for me."

I explain to him everything, about how I started to fall for Josh, but I still cared for Nick. All those guilty times we kissed, I go from the very start, when he was suspicious about us. I talk about how Nick was totally fine when he found out, and how I really did love Josh. I finish by saying that we unofficialy live together. Every detail I know I can tell Liam, and he listens very attentively as an Elton John album plays.

Just as I finish, the end of 'I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues' comes on, and I sing along by summarising the story.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues." I smile.

Liam chuckles, although the look in his eyes tells he's still very surprised.

"Well, congrats Jen. That's all I can really say, I mean, it sounds crazy. Especially the rumour part. You do realise if it weren't for the paparazzi you two wouldn't be?" He raises his eyebrows.

I pause and think about it. It's true, without them the report wouldn't have made us more persuaded to do it, but shouldn't that mean we should be more cautious? I'm not sure. All I know is that we did like each other for a long time, and I still hate the paparazzi.

"I guess so." I nod in agreement.

"Anyway, we're nearly at the restaurant where we can talk more about it later. I hope you like this place, it's expensive." Liam says, now turning up the music a little.

"I'm not fussed, anyhow." I say politely.

"I don't care, this place is the best place in the world, so if you think it's alright I will not be happy, you need to think it's amazing." Liam says harshly.

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