Chapter 18

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Once we get home from the drive, longer than usual because of the questions from paparazzi, I pull Josh inside and close the door behind us before wrapping my arms around him and giving him a gentle kiss. It soon turns into a force so strong, our arms holding each other so tightly you could never leave.

I don't know what has changed us, but all I want is him. He's the only thing I have, and he always will be. Maybe it took so long to appear in our minds, but our hearts were always in it. It's only now I realise, our slow movements to a room, our lips still pressed together; I couldn't do better.

What brings us to our senses is the knock on the door, and reluctantly Josh pulls away and goes to open it whilst I hide in his room. Even if we're public we don't want too much news about our relationship.

I hear mumbles and then footsteps..why is Josh letting them in?! The footsteps near and the door swings open, revealing Josh. He smiles at me.

"Josh! You scared me." I say, stepping in front of him.

"Sorry," Josh says, but still smirks.

"Who was it?" I ask, peeking over his shoulder. But there is no one there.

"It was Liam, he said he wants to talk to you." I raise my eyebrows but Josh shrugs in answer.

I follow him outside where Liam stands in the dark, his hands in his pockets, his hair slightly covering his eye.

"Liam?" I call, walking down the steps to greet him. Josh stays in the doorway for a moment, then he walks inside and closes the door behind him.

"Hey." Liam smiles slightly, but doesn't hold out his arms for me to run into.

" wanted to talk? You should've called. I'm like, always free. You know, me being such a busy celebrity and all." I laugh, but he doesn't join in.

After a few moments of silence, he stiffens and clears his throat.

"Jen, would you remember..a few weeks back we- well, I kissed you?" Liam asks me, his eyes on the ground.

I weaken at the memory, our drunken states, talking about Josh maybe? I don't really remember, all that he cut me off with a kiss. I didn't refute either, does that mean I was cheating?

I smile and breathe, but my voice shakes, so I hide it with a laugh instead.

"Yeah, we were pretty drunk!" I try to make this more comfortable for both of us, but I know this situation in no way is good.

"Well," Liam takes a long sigh, as if there is something to this scenario I don't know about, then he continues, "I only had two drinks, remember? I was driving. So I wasn't really drunk.." 

He speaks slowly, but I still don't understand. Then it hits me, Liam was not drunk, so that means what he did was still a meaningful sober kiss. That also means he really likes me, maybe love.

I gasp, trying to hide my undying temptation to run away.

"But I'm over it, I am. I just needed to tell you that. A little crush, I promise. Josh is all that matters, and you can't let him find out. You can't Jennifer," Liam walks over to me and holds my shoulders tightly, forcing me to stay there, and to look him right in the eyes.

"I won't." I say, breathless. His grip loosens and he steps back slowly, distancing our space more and more.

"You need to keep your word, Jennifer." He says, pointing his finger to me, then he opens the car-door and gets in before driving away.

I stand there, everything racing through my mind. Drunkly kissing Liam was hard enough to get over, but knowing it was real for won't be easy to forget.

I rush inside and look for Josh, I find him sitting on the couch and watching TV. I fall down next to him and he puts an arm around my shoulder.

"What was that about?" He asks as I lay my head on his chest.

"Nothing, he was just wondering if I wanted to catch-up with him and Sam." I bite my lip.

"What about me?" Josh pouts.

"You're not invited by Liam's standards, but I'll bring you along." I laugh. Josh does a fake-cry and straightens. I roll my eyes and he kisses my forehead.

"Thanks, darling." Josh says all sweetly, and it sounds so weird to hear those words come from his mouth. I blush.

I lift my head up and our lips meet, my heart beating fast. Before I can figure out what makes me so happy about these kisses, we're interrupted by a report on the TV.

"Jennifer Lawrence has convinced us of her love for co-star Josh Hutcherson, but where are things heading for the two now? With an interview from Nicholas Hoult - Jennifer's ex - he told us how his love for her was undying. Take a look."

A video appears, and Nick stands with reporters surrounding him, his awkward postition sitting on a stool and an interviewer asking him questions he doesn't know how to answer. The story of all celebrities lives.

When a question comes out of the blue about me, though, he lights up and starts chatting away.

"Jennnifer is great, she's beautiful and stunning and I love her. I always will love her, that's just how it is. It happens. Sometimes you can't forget the girl you first fell for. Yeah, I would give anything to have her back, but she has a man now. I'm very happy for her, too. Sure, we have memories, but now is her chance to make more. They're really in love, which is one of the most important things in life." 

Blank. Back to the reporter and her plastered smile. Silence.

"How adorable! But what will Jennifer think of it? Or Josh? I suppose only time will tell for this new celeb couple!"

The TV turns itself? No. Josh stands up and throws the remote on the ground, storming out. I don't know why he's annoyed. Maybe he's worried I'll go back to Nick. Right now I can't make sense of anything, this whole day has being a blur.

So instead I put my face into my hands and cry.


Hey everyone! It's being so long!

I'm so sorry for the late update, I am really busy. But I tried to make this interesting and it's not that long, sorry.

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