So That's Just It?

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TW: Slightly Non-consensual adult times (Logan didn't safe word when he needed to), suicidal plan/attempt, mentions of pervious abuse.
Intrulogical (Logan x Remus)
Third person POV
Human AU

Remus slams his laptop shut, packing his stuff up before his twin can arrive back from moving most of his stuff to his Boyfriends' apartment. By the time Roman arrives both Remus and all of Remus' things are gone, and his key lays on the table. Roman doesn't mind this, nor cares where his brother ran off to. He hopes that he'll never come back, for the benefit of everyone.

You may be thinking, "Way to be a dick, Ro.". Normally the actor would agree with you. But not after what happened to his dear British calculator of a friend. You see, Remus has never been good with self control. He doesn't know when or how to stop. So when Lo arrived at the airport on the quickest flight and sobbed to Patton and the others about Remus refusing to stop during sexual times, Roman was admittedly not as surprised as he should've been.

That brings us to now. Remus is no where to be found, Logan is bawling due to a very much positive pregnancy test, and Roman couldn't care less about his brother. Rather, he helps his boyfriends comfort the poor Nerd. Janus has already quietly wished Remus dead, Virgil in support. They can't imagine how rough it must've been for the emotionally hidden Logan to react this way.

Everyone warned Logan from the get go. 'Do not date Remus Duke. He'll hurt you or break your heart. Break up with him as soon as you can.' Sadly, Logan ignored the warnings, instead falling in love with the slime ball. Roman stopped telling him to end the relationship two months ago, surprised that they lasted over three years and hopeful that Remus isn't as horrible as he thought.

For that, Roman blames himself in a way. Maybe if he had pushed a little bit longer, Logan would've dumped the poor excuse of a human. He must've thought he could fix Remus, like one of those serial killer fan girls.

(Here's where the dark stuff starts. I'll let you wonderful people that are a bit more sensitive to this type of thing know when it ends, so don't worry. Stay safe y'all, and be honest with yourself if you can't handle this type of thing at the moment. Your depression may be strong, but you're stronger. I love you all. 💙)

Speaking of whom, Remus has sent Logan one long apology text instead of the twenty that he used to after previous fights, before shattering his phone. He looks out on the vast body of water under him and takes a deep breath.




Remus wakes up in the worst pain he's ever felt. His arm is in a cast, and his head feels like it's going to implode. The bright lights in his eyes don't help, either. He hears yelling from the waiting room. Loud yelling. Way too loud yelling. He swears he's officially in hell. He hurt Logan, so now he's coming down the hall to tell him how he should've tried something more effective.




It's worse than he thought. Lo is crying, hugging him tightly and begging him to never do that again. Telling him that he loves him. Remus can't help but hesitantly hug Logan back, not being mentally strong enough to resist.

"Why?" Lo whispers between sobbing into Remus' shoulder.

"We could've fixed things. It was my fault, I didn't tell you to stop. You aren't a mind reader. So, why?" He sobs when Remus doesn't reply.

"What if I lost you? I love you. Please don't ever do something like that again." Lo cries harder at the stunned silence from his boyfriend.

"I won't." Remus rasps after a bit, the salt water having nearly destroyed his throat.

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