Teacher's Favorite

861 12 10

Requested by tobytikka
Anological (Logan x Virgil)
Human AU (I'm assuming that's okay, since it's Teacher x student (warning for that BTW))
Trans Virgil (that bean deserves the world)
Virgil's POV

I wake up on Monday hating life as usual. I manage to get out of my way too comfortable to get out of bed and try to get dressed. Everything fine, until I feel the urge to puke. I bolt for the bathroom, my dorm mates looking at me worriedly as I run down the hall.

"Are you okay, kiddo? What's going on?" Pat asks.

I can't speak much before two days worth of food rapid fires out of my face.

"I thought you didn't drink." Roman half-jokes. I flip him off where Patton can't see.

"Why don't you and I stay home and get you to a doctor if it gets worse." Patton says in his 'this is what's happening whether you want it or not' tone.

"Ooh! Can I stay too?! I want to help comfort our rainy storm cloud!" Roman screams way too loudly for my developing headache.

Patton nods happily before turning serious again. "Have you been drinking? I know you don't like to, but did you?" He asks.

I cough a bit more then manage a shaky reply. "No. It ruins families and shit." I turn back to the bowl of death once the yuck waves return.

"I'll let that one slide because you're sick." Patton scolds. "Have you eaten anything strange?" He asks, getting more and more worried.

"Pat, I don't know what's wrong. I didn't eat anything or drink anything out of the ordinary. I can't afford to go to the doctor, we're in college." I tell him, leaning my head against the sink and panting.

"We can help you! Right, Ro?" Patton declares happily.

Roman gives him a look and nods hesitantly. "See! We can help!" Patton exclaims.

Then I remember. I'm trans. I can have kids. Lo and I didn't use protection. The thought leads me right back to hacking over the toilet. Patton rubs my back as shaky sobs erupt between puking.

"Roman, get him a change of clothes and put them in the back of my car. Then I'll need you to carry him there once he stops throwing up." Patton says with a bit too much urgency and seriousness.

"My phone." I gasp between sobs.

"Huh?" He asks quietly.

"I need to call Lo." I mumble.

He hands me the phone and I shakily hover over Logan's contact. He's probably teaching a class right now. Besides, I could be wrong and I'm just dying. That'll be so much better than what I think is going on. I suck it up and press the call button.

"Virgil?" Logan asks immediately after picking up.

"Lo, I'm sick. I don't know what's going on, but I'm scared." I whisper.

"I can't help you right now. Just lay down and I'll come check on you during my planning time." Logan instructs and a whimper leaves my throat.

"I c-can't, Lo. Pat is taking me to a doctor. It's really bad." I try my best not to sob.

"Would you prefer I come get you? I need to teach this class. You know this period isn't my smartest." He states with frustration fading into his voice.

"I'm just letting you know. I'm terrified and you aren't helping." I grumble and hang up.

Pat has to grab my phone before I chuck it. Roman comes back to me sobbing like a toddler into Patton's chest. I can feel Patton shrug at something Roman asked. They transfer me to Roman's arms, and he does as Patton instructed.

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