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The next day came by rather slowly for Sarah and Larry who were both still trying to get used to the idea that they were to be co-parents, that they were expecting a child who was going to share connection to the two of them. To anyone else this would appear to be a normal situation, Larry and Sarah were married, and so it was deemed only natural that the next stage in any such relationship was to have a baby together. But this was hardly what one would call normal circumstances. And as much as the two were admitedly excited for the arrival, after everything that had happened especially in the last week, both felt deep regret for that one night they shared. They weren't each other's true love, even though they were the best of friends, Larry was in love with Ally and Sarah's heart belonged to Heath. Sarah did not want Larry to be pulled away from Ally, there must have been something that could be done to make sure that they had a chance. Larry on the other hand was going over what he was going to say to Ally, usually he was able to do this easily but this secret was not exactly simple to handle. He was going to have to deal with this delicately, this was Ally after all. A part of him still did not want to tell her about any of this, but it was the right thing to do. Better he tell her than her finding out another way only to see him as nothing but a liar. This whole thing had been one huge mistake and Larry's wish was that Ally saw it that way and didn't think he purposefully did this to her. He could never do that. When he left Boston he left the biggest part of his life, the most important part, Ally. And now he was losing her all over again.

Sarah had gone back to work, thankfully her sickness had died down enough to try and get back on track with her job having been off for a couple of days. She made every effort to try and keep out of Ally's way and if they happened to corss paths that day she would ensure any conversation was kept to a minimum of just small talk. The last thing she wanted was for her to tell Ally about her condition. That role belonged to Larry, not Sarah. "It's nice to see you back again Sarah," Ally smiled, concerned for the woman having only heard about what happened between Sarah and Larry from Larry. The last thing she knew of the situation was that Sarah had disappeared while wanting a divorce, "Has everything been sorted between you two?" Ally asked purely out of good nature. Sarah paused for moment, everything wasn't sorted, it was beyond being alright. Her, Larry and Ally were all part of an impossible conundrum where it seemed like there was no way out. "Everything is perfectly fine, thank you Ally," the woman smiled, creating a mask to hide her true expression of anxiety about the child she was expecting. "We've just been busy about all of this, it's under control now though."

"Great," Ally was geniunely quite surprised at Sarah's words, just the other day Larry was worried about her and thier marriage was seemingly nearing an end, but now everything was okay? Ally had her suspicions about it, was something else going on or had Larry actually rectified the situation. Whatever it was it was clear to her that Sarah wasn't going to tell her anything. She would just wait for Larry to come out with it, if he ever does. Knowing him it took effort to discover his secrets, but Ally couldn't trust him if he was keeping something from her. She needed to see him and was incredibly thankful that he was going to there at the party later that evening.

"Er Ling can I speak with you in my office?" Richard called from his open office door, urgency in his tone. He had been trying to catch Ling's attention for a while now but the woman had left before he get a word out. "What do you want from me?" Ling remarked, pointing to herself in pretend confusion, she wanted to keep as far away from Richard as possible. "Just get in here please, I don't want the problems of our relationship to be broadcast around the firm." Ling's mouth dropped open in sheer annoyance, how dare Richard imply to everyone watching that there was something wrong in their personal life! You could practically here the panther in her growl in frustration. Quickly, shooting Richard a stern glance, she walked tight lipped into his office, her heels clicking on the floor in the process. Once inside, Richard shut the door while Ling sat down on Richard's chair, her legs cross over each other as she rested them on the desk in front of her. "What's so important Richard?" she sighed in annoyance, folding her arms, "I'm a very busy woman."

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