Pursuit of happiness & hats

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She had spent the best part of the morning and early afternoon in her sister'se company. But that was as much as Sarah could take. She didn't need to hear or be reminded what her family's opinions on her were. Or how they thought that her marriges to both Larry and Heath before him were utter mistakes that should never have happened. And now with the baby on the way all they could do was issue their condesceding two cents worth. Like Sarah needed more of a reason to keep her distance from them. Every time she made the slightest effort to try and make amends, to be the better person they'd always find a way to block her path. And Sarah was sick of it. The only person who approved of her marriage to Heath was her father who unfortunately passed away while she was still engaged. It hurt not to have her family by her side, but Sarah had experienced this enough to grow used to be seeing as the black sheep of the family.

What has the world come to when a girl can't even trust her own family?

I'm sorry if I'm not perfect or live up to their standards.

But it's aways the same with them.

But they are my family in the end of the day

Like the saying goes you don't choose family, you can't live with them and you can't live without them.

Thoughts ran through Sarah's mind in the cab ride into town. She would always forgive her family, she didn't have it in her to hold a grudge against them. Larry wasn't expecting her back yet and she figured he had taken her out for the day leaving her some time for herself. So she might as well have got some fresh air seeing as she was already out. Just to have a chance to think things over, everything had been moving so fast lately that it was difficult to keep track what with the move to Boston, the new job, meeting Ally and now the pregancy. She did however manage to check up on how Ling was doing on a phone call during the vacation to Detroit. Sarah knew how important this trip was to Larry, for him and Ally to get their relationship back to the way it once was so decided to keep out of their way. They needed their privacy and Sarah had things of her own to do anyway. Like for instance, having a look around the children's department of clothes store. Sarah was still rather nervy about having Larry's child. Not that she would love it any less than Michael, no way. She just never expected to be a mom again. And she shouldn't be ashamed of it, Sarah did nothing wrong to be guilty about.

There was a cute white porcelain baby rattle with an intricately detailed light pink rose that caught Sarah's eye. It reminded of the one she used to have as a child. "It's perfect," she muttered softly with a fond smile picking it up from the shelf.

"A friend having a baby?" The cashier lady, whose name badge stated Jane, attempted at friendly conversation as Sarah waited to purchase the rattle.

"No," Sarah chuckled lightly with a small shake of her head, "It's me actually."

"Oh congratulations!" Jane's eyes widened, her cheeks rosy matching her smile, "Is this your first child?"

Sarah didn't want to go into the details, Jane a nice as she appeared was a till lady who she just met. "Yes," she answered, hiding the sharp pain in her heart at the sudden memory of Michael. Her stillborn.

"You'll learn everything you need to with your first child," if only the kind cashier lady knew the affect of her words, "Tell you what, as a way of us saying congratualtions I can give you 20% off your purchase today," she added scanning the rattle through, "So that will be $26.95."

Sarah handed her card over, paying for the rattle, and appreciated the woman's gesture. "You're too kind."

"Nonsense it's all part of the service," was Jane's response as she handed Sarah the bag with the rattle accompanied by the reciept and a few vouchers. "Have a good day now."

Ally Mcbeal: The Return of LarryWhere stories live. Discover now