Twist of fate

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Larry was speechless at his own decison, he was actually doing this, going against the fear of failing with yet again. Strike three wasn't a fear anymore, he had to get her back because no matter many times Larry denied it or tried to tell himself that Ally was never a part of his life, she was the biggest part. He felt incomplete without the woman he loved. Even back in Detroit, Larry would lie awake at night thinking about her, wondering how Ally was doing but never having the courage to call. He could sugar coat it as much as he wanted but he was in denial, yes Ally dumped him but only because she was upset,and he just left without even trying to win her back. It was about time Larry stopped running away from his mistakes and instead do something about them. Somethings couldn't be changed and getting Ally back was not one of them. He loved her more than anything, Larry brought out the good in Ally and she did the same for him. They were a perfect match and he had to get Ally to see that to. Ally still loved him, the note said it all, that despite how he had hurt her, she still found it in her heart to love him, even if she couldn't understand why she did. The way she saw it was that Larry owned her heart, that's the only explanation for how she felt every time she saw him. She could try hard to hate him, but her love for him was stronger. Which is what made the news about the baby so hard to take in. 

Back in Sarah and Larry's apartment, Larry was sat by his desk, reading over Ally's note again. "This isn't the way it was supposed to be," he sighed dropping his glasses to his desk, his head against his hand, "I wanted to marry her and I guess I still do seeing as I've kept the ring." 

"Call her," Sarah suggested softly, Ally's note was heartbreaking and it was clear it had hurt Larry too. "It'll do you both good." But Larry just shook his head with a slight forced smile, "Nah that's never going to work, she's probably going to rip the phone cord out the moment she hears my voice." Sarah was only trying to help in this difficult situation, "You know her better than I do Larry," she spoke with a shrug, tidying up some papers from the case she was working on. The longer he left it the worse it was going to become. "But you're running out of time and options." 

"That's an understatement," Larry remarked sarcastically, glancing over to Sarah, "I ran out of time three years ago. As for options, well there aren't any." 

Sarah frowned, Larry was giving off mixed signals here, he just said he wanted to win her back but didn't the challenge. Of course it was going to be hard! This was Ally they were dealing with and surely his love for her should make the challenge worthwhile. "Look at it like this, Ally could have found someone else if she wanted to move on from you but evidently she didn't, that to me spells out hope."

"I believe all that Sarah, the only problem is she doesn't want to talk to me!" Larry exclaimed each word precise. His anger more directed at himself.

"You know if you really loved Ally the way you say you do," Sarah thought it best to just get straight to the point seeing that Larry still did not get it. This had gone on long enough, "you'd be at her apartment right now, doing whatever it takes to speak to her... you'd go after her."

"I don't'.." Larry sighed, "I don't do that," maybe because in a way it makes it easier for him to be alone.

"I know," Sarah answered quietly, placing a hand on Larry's shoulder, she was trying her best, "But she wants you to. It's what you should have done three years ago." 

Meanwhile, Ally was in her apartment alone, even though it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, the day just seemed to drag on forever. Renee had tried a few times to ring up on her to she was coping but each attempts ended up at the voicemail. Ally didn't want to speak to anyone, not today, call it acting as a victim or being sorry for herself but that was her, she had every excuse to be like this after being hurt. How she let herself be put in this position yet again was beyond her, she allowed for herself to believe her and Larry were back on track. As if the three year gap never happened. But it did. And it took Ally a long time to only start thinking about having a new relationship with somebody else. But Larry never left her mind once, she always compared the potential new boyfriends to Larry. The truth be told was that their relationship was the most difficult thing to move on from. "He wanted to make me hate him..." she muttered to herself, looking out of her window from the corner of her room. The window she would always sit by when she needed time alone to think. "When he left... helping Sarah did have something to do with it... but the way he left.." Because  anger is easier than heartbreak, it's easier to get over. But Ally still cared for Larry, she wouldn't admit out loud yet not even to herself, she still loved him so much. 

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