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Larry was confused to say the least, the last thing he needed was his ex girlfriend knocking on his door out of the blue. Sure it was nice to see Sam, but Jamie? Not a chance. And yes maybe he was still attracted to her but Larry's heart belonged to Ally and nothing was ever going to get past that. Jamie nearly caused Ally and Larry to split up and it would have worked if Larry wasn't so totally in love with someone else. Ally. And he was determined now that he and Ally were together again Jamie wouldn't be able to pull them apart

"What are you doing here Jamie?" Larry shook his head, his eyes shining the dissapproval defensive attitude against Jamie's presence while having his arms around Ally as a way of calming any insecurities she must have been going through in those moments. He knew perfectly well how Ally was like and Jamie for that matter.

"Is it realy too much of a crime for a child to his father?" Jamie answered calmly as she innocently gestured to Sam over on the couch but Ally could have sworn the woman issued a spiteful, jealous glare her waycausing her to lean slightly closer towards Larry. Ally narrowed her eyes at Jamie hidng any sign of her nerves and anxieties while gripping on to Larry's hand. They had come too far to to lose him again, she couldn't lose him.

But the odds didn't look to be in her favour when Larry mutered softly to her, kissing her lightly, "It'll be okay," he nodded reasuringly before looking to Sam, "Sammy? Why don't you show Ally your room?"

"You've been here three days and you haven't shown her my room yet dad?" It was clear the young boy inherited his father's tendency of using witty remarks.

Ally was confused, why was Larry even giving Jamie the light of day? Granted they were co-parents but still! "It's just a talk," Larry spoke, rubbing Ally's back soothingly, "That's all." Ally couldn't argue with that, she had to try to trust Larry even if it was so very difficult right now. "Alright," she sounded not looking Larry in the eye.

"Alright," Larry answered things just began to feel a little awkward.

" 'Kay..." Ally whispered back before puling away, Jamie standing there with that obviously fake smile.

Fortunately, Ally had not moved completely from Larry's arms, and he brought her back in for another kiss before letting her go upstairs with Sam.

Jamie took this opportunity as a chance to try and hug Larry but he pushed away at her attempts. He wasn't usually one to hold a grudge and become genuinely angry unless pushed too far. Like he did with Jamie. He still had not forgiven her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He repeated his question with a little more aggression in his tone.

"Honestly Larry? I came to see you," Jamie sighed, reaching her hand to the back Larry's neck but he just stepped away from her, folding his arms. It was ever so Clear as to what she was trying to do. "How did you even know I was here? As far as you were concerned I was in Boston!"

"Well I..." Jamie stammered, holding up the innocent act, "I was driving by the other day, you know how traffic can be like around here and I noticed the lights on is all."

Larry rolled his eyes, ruffling his hair while trying to get his head around the situation. Jamie had no right to be here. "So you and Ally are back together again?" The woman spoke out softly, unbuttoning her winter coat, "Can't say I'm not surprised."

"I don't care what you think," Larry retorted with a somewhat defensive tone, "Not after the last time." Jamie was a book he would rather remain closed and untouched never to be reopened again.

"But is Sarah alright with this?" Jamie raised an eyebrow, nearing Larry quashing any feelings she had for him. It had been so long that they had been in a room alone together. "I know you two say this whole thing wasn't serious but still, Sarah's a woman...who you married."

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