The Getaway

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Ally couldn't help the tears of immense happiness flow down her cheeks, accompanying her heartfelt smile. She closed her eyes, still encasing herself in Larry's warm and familiar embrace, shut her eyes tightly, afraid to open them. Afraid that this was all an elaborate that her mind with it's wild imagination that she had conjured up such a realistic dream. But when she opened her eyes, she wasn't back in her apartment but still with Larry in the airport. She was really going with him to Detroit. To a place that symbolised the mysterious part of Larry' life that Ally stil didn't very much about. "Is something wrong?" Larry questioned and so breaking the silence, "Only you've been quiet for longer than usual, and you're.." he jokingly studied the woman's face, "Smiling, which I know you're against on principle."

If the smile wasn't enough a light hearted laugh left Ally as she finally pulled away, one hand clasped around the handle of her suitcase and the other held in Larry's. "I thought you said we had a plane to catch," she teased playfully. Larry's charming goofy grin flashed over his expression, leading Ally to the desks to check-in. He kept his eyes on her more or less the whole time. It was a dream come true, Larry had always wanted to do this with Ally, but the memory of the letter she wrote to him was still fresh in his mind and he couldn't shake it off. He felt as if he had to prove himself to Ally every second of everyday that he was never going to hurt her again. This time, what they had was going to be forever. And about the baby? Well not even that could stop him being with the woman he loved. And now here they were, waiting in the departure lounge for the flight to come in. The newly reunited couple sat together while Sarah was in the washrooms, not feeling particularly well. Even though she tried to not let it show, the pregnancy wasn't going easy for her the past couple of days. Which just made her think something was wrong.

"So once we get to Detroit, what do you plan on doing?" Ally wanted to know, she had already found out from Larry that they were going for a week's break to stay at the house he had in Detroit. The fact it was the same house he shared with Sarah didn't faze Ally at all. She understood the situation a whole lot clearer now. And she wasn't going to allow for anything to take her from Larry. One reason being that Larry made her whole and if he ever left her again there was no doubt in her heart that it would just break in a way that could never be fixed. This was a risk, a risk her heart wanted to take, "There's some places I want to take you," Larry answered with a smile, he had waited so long to have Ally back in his life. And now she was right here in front of him. "Oh? Like where?" Ally's attention was caught by Larry's words, looking at him with inquisitive eyes. "I was thinking you might enjoy visiting the Motown Hitsville Museum, seeing how you're a fan of that music genre, we can spend a day wandering round Palmer Woods and Sherwood Forest," both of their hands linked as Larry continued, "But where I really want to take you is Belle Isle."

"Hmm," Ally grinned, looking forward to the week ahead, a getaway with man she loved and once thought she lost. "And is Sarah going to be joining us too? Not that I have a problem with it, she's a nice girl. And I suppose she does need a break after everything that happened. But don't you think it will be a little bit awk-" her words got cut off by Larry, placing a finger on her lips. Ally always spoke in run on sentences whenever she became anxious which happened plenty of times. And Larry knew that perfectly well. "Can I talk now?" he asked with a tone of humour, "Sarah is joining us but then again she isn't," he explained, causing Ally some confusion. "She's staying at the house with us but she's going to spend time with her sister, she's got some things to sort out plus Heath and Michael are buried in Detroit."

Ally stayed quiet for a few moments, the few times she heard Sarah talk about Heath showed how much the woman loved her late husband. "Michael.. is that the name of..?" Ally would never wish anyone to give birth to a stillborn, she would break if it ever happened to her. "Her son yeah," Larry spoke quickly, wanting to stray off this topic. He had been there with Sarah during the whole thing. Ally sighed, not knowing what to say, there was half an hour left until the flight was to begin boarding. It all reminded Ally of the last time she was in an airport to fly out somewhere, to Bermuda. With Victor. Victor. She had completely forgotten to inform him of what she was doing and had left him in the lurch, "Excuse me," she tilted her head before moving to use one of the airport phones, taking Victor's number from her purse. Larry watched as she left, unsure what the woman was doing until he saw her picking up the phone. "Who could she be ringing?" he pondered beneath his breath while Sarah finally joined by his side. "Are you alright, you were in there for a while," Larry asked with concern masking his expression, his arm across the shoulders of the weak and pale looking woman pregnant with his child. "..I'm fine Larry, it's nearly five weeks in and the sickness is taking it's toll on me, this feels like torture already," she breathed, resting her head with closed eyes against Larry's shouler to try and remove the acute headache she was suffering with, "I think I'm going to sleep during the whole flight."

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