Just Friends?

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"Honey I don't want you to go," Ally complained tiredly, trying to keep her embrace around Larry's neck as he leant forward to switch the alarm clock off. It had been four days since they spent the festive day together and now they felt nothing but reaffirmed true and pure love. The love Ally and Larry had always shared.

"Baby I have to take Sarah to the scan, I'm seeing my kid for the first time today," Larry really did not want to miss out on that, he was really looking forward and excited even about Sarah's first baby scan. "And you have to go to work."

"Yeah it's all day Tuesday.." Ally pouted childishly as she sat up in bed, her hair in a mess and kissed Larry on the cheek, her hand on his chest. "I love you Larry," the woman uttered before getting out of bed without another word. She would be lying if she said she was alright about the entire arrangement, with Larry being married to Sarah who was carrying his child. Because she wasn't. Just knowing that Larry married and had sexual intimacy with someone after her broke her heart. Ally even got rid of Victor from her life when she got together with him a few months after Larry left, because she couldn't get her true love off her mind. But she didn't say anything, it made Larry happy that he was going to be a father again, she could see it in his eyes. It didn't bother Ally most of the time, she often kept the reminder at the back of her mind but it was days like this that made Ally realise things weren't as straightforward as she would have liked. Larry was still married. So what was she then his mistress? Even Ally knew the truth behind Larry's marriage, it still hurt deeply.

"Okay what's wrong?" Larry questioned, getting up from the bed too.

"Nothing," Ally feigned innocence as she looked at Larry with wide eyes, seeming to act clueless why he was concerned. "Why should anything be wrong? Nothing's wrong! Everything is fine, brilliant even!" I'm just going to go to the bathroom." Quickly she left the room, heading straight to the bathroom. Leaving Larry to wonder what just happened.

With a small shake of his head a few moments after, Larry went to the bathroom, following Ally and knocked on the door. "Ally? Honey I would appreciate it if you talked to me, that's what I'm here for," he tried to persuade her, knowing what she got like when she let her anxieties take her over.

"Larry you can't keep Sarah waiting, you have to go to the scan," Ally insisted, wiping the tears that had found their way to her cheeks and tried hiding the distress from her voice. "I'll be fine, I'm going to work anyway," she answered, with the door seperating her from Larry.

"Ally don't hide from me and don't hide from whatever you're feeling," Larry interjected before Ally could continue speaking in her usual run on sentences. "Come on.. open the door.."

Ally rolled her eyes with defeat. She could never resist when Larry spoke to her like that and in that particular tone. Larry was the only one who ever reeled her back when she tried to push him away. Sometimes Ally often wondered on how strange it was that she wished to spend the rest of her life with Billy, her childhood sweetheart, only to fall for someone else entirely and found her one true love in Larry Paul. The only man who understood her perfectly. "Do you really expect this unconventional situation to work? You're a married man with a child on the way, yet here we are still together picking up exactly where we left off three years ago."

"Exactly, we're still together," Larry pointed out, picking up on Ally's choice of words.

"But for how long this time Larry?" Ally swung the bathroom door open, her voice owning a more annoyed tone than she had intended. "I mean you have a son living in Detroit with that woman," she couldn't even bring herself to say Jamie's name. She heavily disliked the mother of Larry's first child. "And now a child on the way with Sarah. Sooner or later your priorities are going to change and it's only natural you and Sarah will grow closer together. And I'm going to be the one left behind again."

Ally Mcbeal: The Return of LarryWhere stories live. Discover now