2. the hanged man

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— two

The title is inspired by the *cough cough* expensive *cough cough* game "The Arcana" so... yeah props to them🤷🏻‍♀️ no, but really the game is so addictive and I love them all I just wanna hug every single character in that game *WHEEZE*

y/n's point of view —

I ran as quick as I could, panting with every step I took, I had been running late for a interview because I decided to waste the rest of my time helping some guy who dropped his papers when he bumped into me,

Honestly I sometimes I think I'm a little too nice to people to be honest.. anyways, I came to a stop to wait for the green light, I was jogging on the spot slightly preparing myself to dash across the road as quickly as I could when suddenly I noticed something in the corner of my eye, there just happened to be some dumbass kid running towards the road chasing a ball, at that moment everything seemed to slow down like in those cliche fight or flight moments in anime and before I knew it my feet pushed me off the ground.. I sprinted towards the kid who was about to get run over by a big ass truck and quickly pushed them out of the trucks way, as a grand result I felt myself collide with the truck knocking the air out my lungs, it all happened in a second and before I knew it I was lying on the ground, I didn't have any time to react and all I could hear was the shouting of other people, I felt my conscious slowly fade and the next thing I knew..
all was black

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