13. him

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Before Y/n stood Shin Ae.. she could barley make out who it was due to the shadow that covered half of her, but after a few seconds she recognised the person before her as her sister. And, a fictional character, with all her memories jumbled up it was hard to make out what's what and who is who.. and even who she was. But deep down in her heart she felt a familiar ache similar to the ones when she'd be teased by her classmates, or even when she was with him. She turned her head away from her sister, suddenly feeling the overwhelming urge to throw up her last meal before fainting. "Y/n.." Shin Ae took a step forward urgently, reaching out to her. But missed as Y/n swiftly moved away from Shin Ae, her back facing her. And looking out the window.

"I remembered."

"Y/n you have to go to the police!" Kousuke said angrily grabbing onto her arm lightly and stopping her from leaving the cafe that had little to no people left. Y/n turned around her brows scrunched up and heavy frown resting on her pale face.
"I told you already Kousuke! Stop trying to meddle with my business!" She shouted slapping his hand away from her. "You're my fiancée Y/n I cannot let this go on any further." Kousuke replied calmly, Y/n looked away her gaze focused on the ground instead of the taller man "She's using you. Don't you realise that?" He asked "And not only that but-" Y/n stopped him right there when she realised what he was about to say "That's enough!"

"Y/n-" He began, Y/n placed a hand up signalling him to stop "No."

"I've heard all I need to hear. Now if you'll excuse me.." She said walking away as Kousuke watched with a hurt expression, They both failed to notice the clicking of a camera and so this began the next phase of events. The result of Y/n Yoo's death.

"What?" Shin Ae asked her, a few seconds after she processed what Y/n said. "I remembered why I tried to kill myself, I remembered you." Y/n said. "I remembered..." She paused "a lot of things." Y/n said, clenching onto her hospital gown. "Really?" Shin Ae asked surprised but happy her sister recovered her lost memories.
"Yes." Y/n turned back to Shin Ae smiling. But even so, her smile seemed somewhat sad to Shin Ae.

"Fucking take it you bitch!"

Grimy, hard and rough hands clenched into Y/n Yoo's throat, coughing and hacking Y/n squirmed around clenching her teeth. "Fuck!" The unknown man before her cursed and swore and eventually Y/n found herself being tied down by hands. Many of them.. "Hey! Get your fucking doll to listen already!" Opening her eyes the past Y/n watched the people before her with frightened yet determined eyes. She was shivering but she didn't give up and she absolutely did not let the various people before her control her. "Can't we just knock her out?" The man asked another. Y/n's (e/c) eyes darted over to them and she gasped at the sight. Why..? Why is he here??

"Break her jaw for all I care."

Y/n found herself falling. As a sickening and bitter fluid rushed down her throat

"I can fix my pretty doll up later on anyways.."

"Goodnight Y/n."

Darkness invading her mind. That was one of the last memories of Y/n Yoo.

- follow me on Instagram @onlymonika if u want, I post there more😔👊 I'll try and get more chapters out

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