12. trauma

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— warning: hints at rape/sexual abuse/mind control

when Y/n woke up she immediately got out of bed. Ripping the wires that clung onto her body and jumping out of bed. Memories flashed across her mind and before she knew it she had remembered. She had remembered everything that Y/n Yoo experienced. 'Y/n Yoo.. she was..'

Y/n continued running. She wasn't sure where she was going but she didn't want to stay in that bed. For if she stayed there any longer she felt as if she would go back to then. Back to the life Y/n Yoo had lived.

When she reached the top floor Y/n stopped running panting slightly. And she slid into a vacant room. Trying to gather her rushing thoughts, despite not being Y/n Yoo the memories that had consumed her mind affected her physically too.. Y/n sighed sliding onto the bed and clasping her pale hands together. Staring at the floor. "What do I do..?" She groaned. Burying her face in her hands, Y/n felt so out of place.. despite being "Y/n" she felt as if she was a intruder. Why? She asked herself. Why does Y/n Yoo have the same face and name as her? She had so many questions yet no answers. And there was nowhere she could look. She had no idea who she was anymore.. was she Y/n Yoo or Y/n Luzier? Y/n was so different yet so similar too Y/n Yoo..

And what will she do now? She remembered that. She remembered what happened. What is she going to do?! Y/n felt disgusted. Disgusted with herself, disgusted with those people. Y/n frantically scratched at her skin, attempting to get rid of the feeling of tons of little bugs crawling over her body. She tried to calm herself taking deep breaths but they turned into frantic panting and a panic attack over came her as she remembered the toxic fluid that was poured down her throat and the unfamiliar faces that took advantage of Y/n's mind and her body.. Y/n clenched onto her arms and stood up suddenly feeling extremely cold. She felt as if she were going to puke and started to gag as she recalled those events but stopped as she heard someone call out her name.

Turning around she froze when she realised who was in front of her.

— I don't know who to make show up..I was going to put Kousuke so they would finally meet but then I figured Yeonggi could be good too then I thought Shin Ae would be good as they're sisters and she would calm down because of Shin Ae, but they've had a lot of time together already so I don't know anymore... what do you guys think?

Also sorry this is so dark but it's relevant to the plot.

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