7. nightmares

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— seven

Eh..... I don't have much to say.. I mean it's 1 am so that's something?? Also?? Yana and Deau?? Are? Canon?? Bitch?? What??? Also??? Yana??? Might?? 🅱️?? D E A D??? No but seriously in the novel I'm reading one of my fav characters (Yana) deserves way better, I swear to fucking god if she dies by the end imma throw some hands, I feel really bad for Konami tho like I love deau but ma man Konami is bein fuckinh friendzoned, like bby boi deserves so much y'know????? Also oogami's reaction when Deau appeared was fucking I C O N I C, it was so hilarious I couldn't stop laughing lmaoooo 😂 and Aya being sad is so fucking sad, I started crying at Yana and Aya's reunion, they honestly didn't deserve to go through that shit man fuck that dam Nara
but anyways if Yana and Deau don't get married by the end I'm fucking suing

— entry no 1 in y/n's spongebob squarepants diary

After the small conversation with Shin Ae we stayed up till I dunno what time watching memes which surprisingly and thankfully exist in this world, I then met her-
Ah.. or well I suppose our dad, I guess it was a tearful reunion??? I sorta sat there awkwardly when he entered the room and then he screeched, ran over and gave me a huge hug (which I almost died (again) from) also as we don't have a spare room I'm sleeping on the couch (which took some convincing) I just didn't feel comfortable in someone else's bed.. plus I gave the excuse that I preferred sleeping on couches soo yah.. I'm planning on starting school uhhh around like next week, current dad contacted the school n shit and they said I can start on monday soooo uh yeet I guess.. I'm sorta feeling loopy rn.. it's 1 am.. I can hear Shin Ae laughing at shit and there's a cat on my tummy.

Good night bitch...


I woke up with a start, sweating from head to toe, I just had a dream that I was being chased by Shin Ae in a pizza costume, it was terrifying believe me!! I wiped the layer of sweat from my forehead and a second later my alarm went off causing me to grab my ears in pain
"SHUT UP!!!" I screamed slamming my hand onto the alarm that sat on the table by the couch, I think this woke Shin Ae up though cause I heard a large crash coming from her room and groans of pain, a minute later the door to her from opened and she groggily wiped her eyes "Morning.." I said "Morning." She replied yawning all the while then plopping down onto the couch and sitting on my legs which as a result rendered me immobile for the time being.

"So you prepared to go to school?" Shin Ae asked me, I looked at her to see her eyes closed, "Yeah, I'm excited to see what will happen." I replied, she let out a big yawn "Eh? Why would you be excited for school?" She asked looking at me like I was a alien "because I'll get to meet the other webtoon characters obviously." I said grabbing the remote and switching the tv on, "Webtoon characters?" She asked looking at me curiously "What in the world are you talking about-" I shushed her quickly "Be quiet! Lazy Town is on." I said giving her a harsh glare, she raised her hands in defence at this "My bad.."

Anyways despite that we had breakfast, got dressed and then we walked to school, which may I add was very, very tiring in my opinion,

So after a long, long... long walk I was now standing in front of a bunch of students who stared at me with a shocked expression, I had no idea what was so surprising for them to stare at me with that look, was there something on my face?? By now anxiety™ kicked in and I was sweating slightly.

I could only pray these people were blind enough to not see my discomfort..

A/N: This chapter was longer than one page are u proud of me yet mom?

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