6. amnesia.

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— six
              I'm sorry for not posting much :,/ my internet has been cut off ever since January, I'm using my aunts internet rn but I don't have much time left so I'll see y'all whenever I get the internet back, sorry for the short chapters tho, I'll try make them longer ^_^

y/n's pov

I looked at her with confusion evident in my eyes, I wasn't sure why she was acting so aggressively towards me but I supposed that it was something from her past that caused this, which reminded me.. what exactly is our relationship? I mean if she's acting this way we may have had a shitty past.

While I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice her talking, I was only pulled out of my trance when she exclaimed my name,

"Huh?" I said, she furrowed her eyebrows "Did you hear anything that I said just now?" I looked away "Um.. no I'm sorry." I said rather meekly, I felt somewhat intimidated... especially with her sitting on top of my lower half, "Uh.." I started "What is it?" She asked "Um.. could.. could you perhaps get off me?" I gulped afraid that she would get angry, I didn't want to get on her bad list so soon, especially since she was probably my favourite character.. well along with practically all the other characters.. "Ah," she said deadpanning all of a sudden "Sorry about that." She said with a nervous smile while getting up, she offered her hand and I immediately lit up, I took her hand hastily, "Soooo..." Shin Ae started "Why are you here?" She asked looking away slightly, I was silent for a few seconds "...no one told you?" I replied cocking a brow, she gave me a confused look, "No one told me what?" She said "well for starters... I have amnesia and I'm supposedly living here now." I said simply, her eyes slowly became wide "What?!" She shouted abruptly causing me to jump in shock slightly, "So you don't know who I am?" She said, "What d-" I quickly covered my mouth as I was reminded I'm not supposed to know who she is, "Um.. I... n-no I don't know who you are.. I'm sorry..." I said looking away and praying that Shin Ae was dumb enough to not see through my lies, Shin Ae audibly sighed "seriously..?" She whispered, "yeah.." I said awkwardly, I have no idea on how to comfort others so I took a different route.. which was simply changing the subject "well um.. it's nice to meet you?" I said holding my hand out, she looked down at my hand then at me before giving me a small smile and grabbing onto my hand "yeah nice to meet you as well."

'I seriously hope she doesn't hate me or anything.. getting on the main characters bad side is not one of my plans at the moment..'

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