5. the meeting

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My doggo got put down recently so rip Keisha, my mom is really upset but I don't feel that upset honestly... Personally I think she's better off especially since she was in pain and blind :/ so if I act to happy then it's not cause I don't have any feelings about her dying, I'm of course sad that she won't be here anymore but it's just better this way y'know? Anyways I hope you like this chapter I guess •3•

y/n's point of view—

I opened the door cautiously and peeked inside, my vision was met with the familiar room I saw here and there during the webtoon, My memories of the occurrences in the webtoon are quite fuzzy, whenever I tried to recall the events during the party in which Shin Ae met Alyssa a headache came on and everything seems blurry, it made me frustrated but nevertheless I continued on, looking around the small home that belonged to Shin Ae and her father, I didn't see him anywhere so I figured he was asleep or still at work, and well... earlier I saw Shin Ae so I assume she will be back anytime soon, I sighed softly while I placed my bag onto the ground and plopped down onto the comfortable sofa, I felt extremely fatigued despite resting for such a long time, (can't really remember if they have a sofa but.. I can't be bothered going back to check oof)
Honestly I still couldn't believe I was here, everything seemed to be like a dream but  knowing the fact that I could meet and interact with some of my favourite characters made a rush of excitement spread across me, I couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought of meeting them,

"Hey! Who the hell are you!"

Suddenly, I heard the voice of a angry person come from behind me, I turned slowly to see a angry Shin Ae holding a broom as her weapon,

'So this is her voice...?' I thought to myself, I began to feel my cheeks heat up slightly, her voice was somewhat cute, it was calming in a way despite the fear and anger that were apparent in her tone, her voice was one that I couldn't begin to describe but it was nice.

Suddenly I was knocked out of my trance as she threw me onto the ground harshly, I let out a small "oof" as I was pinned to the ground, I opened my eyes to see her staring at me with shock evident in her crimson eyes, slowly the shock turned into sadness and then anger...

Her face scrunched up in pain. "(Y/n)" She was clearly displeased.

Shin-Ae was a bit ooc now that I look back, I mean she didn't seemed very fazed with Alyssa despite their past but then again they are sisters so it might be different if she meets her real sister in the webtoon but I don't really have any reference of how she acts when her sisters brought up, or at least I don't remember a point where her sister has came up

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