9. shin-ae's beloved

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— nine

Idk how to be creative here.. literally whenever I try to think of a word to describe something my mind goes blank.. also today I had hot chocolate that tasted a bit salty, I finished it tho, it was a Maltesers one btw

y/n's point of view—

I stood by the side, hands clasped together in frustration as my new sister, Shin Ae Yoo rejected the purest bean in the whole world...

Yes.. that's right...


That pure sweet child...

I now have to watch.. as he gets rejected yet again ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

The sun was out and the sky was bright blue in colour as four teenage girls sat there, one shouting at the other and the other two sitting by the side nervously.

"That was way too harsh!" Maya exclaimed,

"Rejection is rejection." Shin Ae shrugged, "I'm not going to make any exceptions." She said uncaring, y/n smiled nervously and sighed 'Poor Dieter..' she thought

"He was so cute too!"

"Not to mention he's German!"

"She is right y'know?" Y/n cut in, Maya looked at her with a thankful expression "See! Even y/n who is quiet as heck agrees with me!" She shouted waving her hands about drastically "Eh?" y/n sweatdropped.

"Why does it matter if he's German? He's still a person." Shin Ae said

"Ughhhhh!!!" Maya buried her hands in her face groaning "You just don't get it!"

"Imagine all those cute half German babies!" At this statement y/n laughed, it was funny in the webtoon but seeing it in happen right in front of you was just priceless.

"Whoa, slow down. I've already got my hands full with my cat." Shin Ae said leaning a elbow on the counter of the table.

"I could have made a great aunt!" Maya said, Shin Ae's face stayed neutral "Yeah, sure." She said. "And then dem blue eyes too!" Maya exclaimed fangirling but was cut off by their server as they took their order

"Would you girls like anything to eat?" The server who appeared asked "Ah yeah." Shin Ae replied.

"You should try the strawberry soda." y/n said smiling.

"I'll have water." Maya smiled "Same here"
"I'll have the orange soda please." Shin Ae said.

"Alright." The server said "And what would you like to eat?" Various replies came from the girls but Shin Ae's was of course the shocking one, Shin Ae looked very happy with her decision but it couldn't be said the same by the three girls whom gave the girl a certain look that said 'Really?' but.. Shin Ae was oblivious to it and if she did know she most likely didn't give a shit.. y/n who was now immersed in her thoughts ignored the conversation happening, after all.. she already knew what would happen so why bother listening? (just me being fucking lazy as always lmao) she began to think about the Hirahara family, I mean she had killed herself cause of the engagement, was being with Kousuke that bad? or.. was it due to Mrs Hirahara? I mean.. we have all seen her actions from the webtoon right? it's pretty clear she's a snake, a bald one at that.. lol..

"pfft!" I covered my laughter with my hands

The other girls looked over as y/n laughed "What's funny?"

"Oh, I-it's nothing!" y/n said

notes: my dudes I'm tearing up cause of that snake thing and it's not even that funny but just imagining it is hilarious I swear I'm not a weirdo.

"Oh by the way.. does this mean the engagement is off?" y/n asked with a troubled expression

"Mmm. well I guess no....? Well I mean the Hiraharas haven't really made a statement on it yet." Rika said and suddenly her face lit up with excitement "Ah! That reminds me!" She said "There's gonna be a party held by the Hirahara's soon!" She said.

"So..?" I said, "That means you can talk about it with them there!" Rika shouted

"Ah......." y/n trailed off, thinking about it


"I don't think I'm ready for that awkward conversation.." she said "What would i even say?" A bitter smile appeared on her face from just thinking about that awkward stuff, like what would she say in place for the original owners body?? "Lol sorry I killed myself because I didn't want to be with you"??? Ugh.. just imagining this is giving myself and the author a migraine..

"No need to worry!" Maya said "We'll be there with you!" Attempting to give the girl some support she placed a hand on her shoulder

"Thanks Maya." She smiled "what about you Shin Ae?" She turned towards the girl "I'm obviously not going."

"I heard there's 5-star food!" Rika said baiting Shin Ae with her beloved.

"Oh?" Shin Ae said

'Ah... she fell for it..'

— I've decided to just skip a few stuff because it's faster plus I'm really lazy.. I'll try harder next time I swear pls spare me.

Btw who do you want the endgame to be?

1- Kousuke

2- Yeonggi

3- Dieter

4- Soushi

5- the dodgy blonde dude

6- Other (just comment)

7- Harem ending (you get all the boi's maybe even some of the girls)

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