Them racting to you in/ going in labor ....

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Like labor.... going into labor.... brith ..... I don't really know AND ITS 4:30AM 😂 I need to sleep)

Albert Wesker

Wesker was standing bed while you were yelling and crushing his hand, he was trying to calm you down while slowly getting you to the car.

"D-dear my ha-".

"I DONT GIVE A SHIT,  YOU DID THIS TO ME!" You yelled, Wesker looked at William who breathes slowly and holding your bag "I WILL END YOU!".


You grab his shirt and pulled him close "you better get this thing out of me or else you won't see another day".

Wesker swallowed, he was a little scared of you.


Leon Kennedy

You woke up in the middle of the night with pain, you slowly sat up and turned in the light, Leon rolled over while groaning, you pulled the blanket off to see a pulled "god dam- Oww" you held you belly "Leon" you shook him "babe wake up".

"What" he said in a tired tone.

"Leon wake up" you grab a pillow and hit him with it "I think the baby is coming".

Leon slowly wakes up and sees you on the edge of the bed calm while holding you belly.

Leon day up fast "babe are you for real?".

"Yes" you took deep breaths, Leon quickly got out of bed and panicked a bit, you looked at him "Geez Leon calm down, I'm the one pregnant here".


Chris Redfield

Chris was pushing the cart as you walked next to him, you were out shopping for door and a little bit more things for your soon to be twins.

"Oh Chris, I forgot something " you said as he took a step.

"Baby I'll go get it" he said, you smiled and watched him walk away.

You walked over to and reached
Up to grab a box of tea till pain got to you, you dropped the box and held you belly 'easy you two' you thought as you took a couple deep breaths.

Chris came back and saw you leaning over "you ok Darling?" He Asked as he reached for you only for you to grab his hand and grip tightly which made him go down on his knees in pain "ow ow ow ow baby baby baby m-my hand". you breathes softly as Chris looked down and saw a puddle of Water "OH" he said a bit of panic in his voice and made he way out of the store with you.


Piers Nivans

You were sitting on the hospital bed while you arms were around Finns neck, Finn was rubbing your back since Piers was stuck in traffic with Marco, Jeff and Chris.

"Piers is almost here" he said softly.

"Who gives a shit about him, I'm in pain here" you said as you tighten you grip around his neck.

"Ok ok ok Easy" he said as he patted your arm to release him.

Piers "she's my girlfriend" he said  as you heard him and a few nurses, he quickly pushed the doors open only for you to yell at him and the guys.


They put their hands up and backed up, he was in the waiting room pacing back and forth.

"That's a first I ever heard (y/n) yell" Chris said.

"But why does Finn get to be in there with her and not me" he said which made the guys laugh as he sat down by Chris.


Jake Muller

You were taking deep breaths and waited for the doctor as Jake was walking around the room, he was kinda freaking out but also calm.

"Babe relax" you said softly.

"I can't" he walked up to the bed and sat by your feet.

You smiled and put your hand in his cheek "it's just a few more min- Oww" you said as a contraction came.

Jake stood up and got closer to you "You ok baby" he said a bit more panic.

You smiled and laid back "I'm fine love" you looked at him as he held your hand.

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