Meeting your Parents (Jake)

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(You and Jake are about 17-18)

You have been dating Jake about 2 years and you haven't told your parents cause your scared of what they'll think of him.

Your parents were out for the weekend so you invited Jake over and spent time with him.

You turned on your side and softly tap his chest, Jake softly rubs your back as he watched the movie.

You looked up at Jake and stared at him.

"What?" He said still looking at the tv.

"Nothing" you smiled as your hands slowly went lifts his shirt up.

Jake smirked and looked at you "babe, is there something you want?".

"Mmm..... no".

Jake smirked and got on top and pins your down "you sure doll" he said which made you look away, he leans in and softly planted kisses on your neck.

You bite your lip hard as he began biting and leaving hickeys "j-Jake".

Jake let's you go, his cold hands went under your shirt and began touching your body.

As things were getting heated you heated the front door open and your parents talking, you quickly pushed Jane off of you making him land on the ground hard.

"(Y/n)" you dad said as he walked into the living room to see you and Jake.

"Dad... umm w-what are you doing home".

"You sister got sick" you mom said as she looked at you then Jake.

"Ooo someone is in trouble".

"Shut up Zom" you said.

"Who is this?" You dad asked.


"Jake Muller" Jake said.

Your mom looked at you "sweetheart you know the rules no boys". 

"Yes I know".

"(Y/n) got a boyfriend (Y/n) got a boyfriend" you sister teased.

"Shut up zom" you said with clinch teeth.

You looked over at your dad who was having a stare down with jake.



also I been noticing my crash been join Xbox party and game with me more, he's also been inviting me to his party (just me and him) (*3*)

My other friend says he doesn't do that even when he plays with other girls,

Ok short little info.  

Ok my friend say my crush only joins Xbox party for help or money (gta) then leaves to do whatever.

But since he met me he's been helping me with heist, sacrificing himself when I dead 😂 jumping in my car and other little shit.

I don't know I might be over thinking about it or whatever ....


Just to let you know yes I take any request.

Male or female

I'll do

Alright I should head to bed now

I'll see you guys later)

I'll see you guys later)

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