Chapter Ten

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Much to Jessie's relief, and Brendan's as well, three days passed with no bizarre activity in public or on social media.  Later that Sunday night, Jordan had apologized profusely again for his friend's behavior and was acting completely normal.  When she learned he was going to be home by noon, Jessie decided to invite him over for lunch to get a face-to-face feel on him since they were supposed to have a night out again on Friday.

"If he has been acting normal, then I am sure he has nothing to hide," Brendan said as he voluntarily held Jackson's royal blue leash.  "I do not blame you for being careful, but something would have come out of this if Robert really knew you."

Brendan and Jessie had been in the very vacant park much longer than she normally would be for her walk with Jackson, but she felt bad that Jackson's time outside was indefinitely limited due to the security scare.

Jessie took in the beautiful crisp summer air produced by the beautifully bloomed trees and wild flowers along their path.  "You're right.  Ever since I was with David, I sometimes feel like I overreact for no reason or I simply am lost when it comes to my judgment," Jessie said as she observed a squirrel eating some scrap on a tree branch ahead.  "I used to be cautious, but I wasn't overly leery of others.  I used to just love life and never was so obsessed with keeping to myself."

"Don't be so hard on yourself.  As corny as this sounds, you're beautiful the way you are," Brendan told her much sincerity, slowing down as Jackson discovered a tree he wanted to mark.  "If I were in your position, I would be freaking out about somebody like Rob as well.  I mean, you came here to 'escape' so to speak and somebody knowing who you are could destroy your purpose of living here.  However, I stand by what I said regarding not having to worry."

Jessie quickly checked the time on her phone to see she had plenty of time before she had to get back and get lunch ready.  "Do you think I've run away from my problem?" Jessie asked, hoping he knew to what she was referring.

Jordan didn't need a moment to think.  "Not at all.  Sometimes you need time away from something or someplace to give yourself space to assess the problem," he answered.  "Remember how I told you my dad moved back home after my mom died?  I'm not thrilled with his decision because I barely see him now let alone talk to him among other issues I have with him, but he seems to be thriving being away from what reminds him of what he went through with my mom."

For a brief moment, Jessie thought about what life would be like if she never moved back home to the UK, but knew right away it was not feasible no matter how good she was feeling lately.  "Does your dad ever come here to visit?" she inquired as she knelt down to clean Jackson's mess with a plastic bag.

"No.  My brother and I go there if anything, but I never can afford to go," Jordan explained.  "I flew there maybe three years ago and it wasn't quite the best visit."

Jessie turned the bag inside-out and stood back up to continue trotting behind Jackson.  Though she was curious, she didn't want to seem nosy.  To her luck, he continued without prompting.  

"He didn't make a big issue of it, but he's displeased with my employment.  He said it's time to ditch the dream of being a big time writer and find a consistent paying job," he continued.  "When I tried to bring up how I've never gone hungry or have been evicted, he said the conversation was over.  I didn't bother protesting because with him, you will never win a discussion."

"Our parents just try to look out for us, but I completely understand your frustration.  My parents, particularly my mom, was very against my move here because she wanted me to live with her for a while convinced that was the best medicine," Jessie said as she chucked the bag in a green trash can to her right.  "You should continue doing what is best for you."

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