Chapter Fourteen

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Jessie didn't even bother reviewing her signature as she slid the paperwork across the wooden table to a representative from her old label named Collin Ryerson.  Although she felt the air conditioner come through the office vents, she truly forgot how miserable Los Angeles weather could be.  "Before I go, everybody knows I want nothing released to the public about his relaunch of my career," Jessie pressed firmly.  "Not until I come back home."

"Which should be December?" Collin asked, his blue eyes emotionless as they remained fixed on Jessie.

Sighing, Jessie dropped the pen she forgot she was gripping.  "Yes, probably December but I already discussed the fact that December is just meant for devising a plan verbally," she reminded him. 

"Which is already in the contract you just signed..." Collin remarked patiently as he gave the stack of papers in front of him a little tap.

Jessie realized she probably should have read through the paperwork a little more thoroughly hoping she did not just sign her life away to something she and her label did not discuss on the phone over the weekend.  "Is there anything else?" Jessie asked desperately wanting to shuffle into the car waiting for her downstairs and fly back to New York ASAP.

Collin shook his head.  "For now, that's all but they will be in touch," he responded.

As Jessie stood up, she winced in pain as she realized her legs were stuck to the leather cushion of the chair.  She placed her obnoxiously large sunglasses that were mostly serving as a disguise over her weary eyes and politely reached for Collin's hand.  "Thanks for meeting with me today," she said courteously as they shook hands.

"You're welcome, Jessie.  Enjoy the rest of your time in LA," he responded.

With one last quick smile, Jessie dashed out of the office keeping her eyes set on the floor as she headed for the elevators out in the hall.  The two people waiting as well were too busily transfixed on their phones to notice she was there, which made the ride down easier for her.  

The LA heat hit her even worse after being in a somewhat cool building for the past hour as she nearly staggered down the brick path towards a small black car not far from the corner.  As soon as the car came into view, Brendan immediately got out and held the door open.  "Thanks," she said lowly as she slid all the way in.  

She watched Brendan shut the door not knowing how he was functioning between the time difference and jetlag with his bloodshot eyes, but then again she was clueless to how she was even coherent after getting in only yesterday.  "Are you sure you are set to head back tonight?" Brendan asked as the car pulled away heading for the the Los Angeles International Airport.  

"Yeah, I just flew in to get this over with," Jessie said rather sharply and immediately regretting it.  "Brendan, I didn't mean to get so short."

Brendan showed no inkling of anger.  "Jess, don't apologize.  The past couple of weeks have been crazy for you know, and then this.  I had no idea you had reached a decision so quickly."

Neither had I, she thought to herself.  

"Well, the whole thing with Jordan opened up my eyes," she remarked.  "I had my relationship, it's time to just move forward which was the point of my trip."

Jessie never realized how much of a distraction Jordan had been and became angry just thinking of the fact that she let himself fall for him so hard.  Brendan tried to remind her that at least he saved her from getting hurt later on, but that didn't change the fact that she really thought love was boiling at the surface for them.  

 Brendan's mouth began to open in response to her last point when she was interrupted by his phone.  He quickly fetched it from his pocket, glanced at the number, and shoved it back in his jean shorts.  "Weird number I don't recognize," he announced nonchalantly.  "If it's important they will leave a message."

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