Chapter Twenty-three

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"Jess, where in the hell do you keep going on me?!" Jenny nearly shrilled into the phone.  "Have a hot date I don't know about?"

Jumping, Jessie's eyes still remained on the clock on her cable box.  Thirteen more minutes.  "Uh, sorry, Jenny," she apologized but couldn't even fabricate an excuse.

"So the December 13th one is alright with you?  I can book it?" Jenny asked still a little agitated.

"Yes," Jessie was sure to quickly reply.  "I would rather fly a couple of days earlier than have to wait until the 18th."

Jenny's nails were clicking away against a keyboard in the background.  "I know.  I mean there is that one seat on stand-by for the actual 15th on coach, but I think you're making a good choice," she commented, her tone softened.  "Let me also book your meal in advance."

As Jenny continued typing, Jessie tried her best to ease into the couch.  She really appreciated that Jenny was good on her word as always and got in touch with her today so she felt bad about half-paying attention.  She heard her phone's faint texting sound in the background, but ignored it.  It was probably Jordan saying he was heading down now or would be in a few minutes.

"Alright.  You should be getting an e-mail from them shortly, but you know what to do," Jenny said.  "Just in case, I am going to e-mail you the confirmation number myself and you'll see the charge right away."

"And Jackson is set as well?" Jessie inquired.

"Yep.  It was no problem getting him onto our flight.  This time he will be riding in-cabin," Jenny answered.  "Your parents will be ready to receive him before our connecting flight.  They'll actually give you a call tomorrow."

As much as she did not want to depart with Jackson, she felt the tension she was holding in her neck loosen at the thought of Jackson actually being with Jenny and Jake.  "That sounds wonderful," Jessie said with relief.  "Thank  you so much for taking care of everything again."

"Jess, no need to thank me.  We will come get Jackson the morning of because we're only getting married in comfortable pants and white tops before we head to the airport.  The reception next year is going to be the time of all fanciness," Jenny added.  "Is seven alright?"

"Yes, I'll have him ready for then and make sure he has eaten," Jessie replied.

Jenny took in a breath.  "Hmmm, am I am forgetting anything?  I don't think so, but worst case scenario I will call you back," she decided quickly.  "Listen, I got to get back to work but if you think of anything feel free to call me back as well."

"I think you have covered everything for now, but I certainly will," Jessie declared.  "Thanks again, Jenny.  Take care."

After Jessie ended the call on her phone, a text message from Jordan surely was on the screen just saying he would be running a few minutes late.  Jessie quickly replied back that it was fine and began to make her way out the door.  Just in case anything got sour, Jenny had an appointment with Brendan in couple of hours to do what she hoped would be her last round of food shopping.  She would hate to leave on the 13th with food still in the cabinets.

As Phil opened the door for her once she reached downstairs, the wind began to attack her hair making her wish she thought to put her hair up.  Stuffing both hands in her coat pocket, Jessie made her way down to Starbucks keeping her face down to dodge the cold slaps of wind. 

Much to her apathy, Starbucks was pretty crowded.  She squeezed her way into a corner table by the window that was once a table for four but was now left with two chairs.  Knowing he was going to be a little while still, Jessie surveyed her surroundings.  She wanted to enjoy the fact that she could enter a completely crowded place unrecognized as that ship would sail after Christmas....or maybe even before depending on the circumstances.  In a place like this, she loved the different kinds of people she saw - the writers, moms, college students and high school students engaging in completely different conversations, a cashier from the grocery store on a break...  It took her back to her younger days fighting to establish herself in the music world.

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