Chapter Twenty-two

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Although Jenny had insisted Jessie need not to prepare anything to eat, Jessie continued to scan her cabinets that Thursday for something they could pick on.  Despite what went down Friday night, Jessie was looking forward to seeing Jenny, especially since she had said she had some exciting news about her wedding plans.  

Knowing that saltine crackers could be a start, Jessie grabbed the unopened box pulling the refrigerator open with her right hand. Spotting the middle shelf, she sighed at the sight of her pumpkin pie.  The missing piece served as a reminder of Saturday morning when Brendan finally left after having it for breakfast since dessert had been out of the question after their rather aggravating phone calls.  She hated lying to him, but she and her pride weren't sure if this was the time to tell him or anybody about Jordan...or ever.  Well, telling him somebody was making a big deal out of the two them being chummy at the movies wasn't a lie.  It was telling Brendan when he finally hung up on his Italy call that it was one of her contacts here that was giving her a heads up she may have been noticed at the movies.

Before Jessie could even think anymore let alone search for at least slices of cheese, Jessie's phone buzzed.  Speaking of the devil, Brendan had shot her a text:

I've still been on the lookout.  No pictures or anything from Friday.  Not even a tweet about it.  I think you're safe, but I will take precautions just in case.

Jessie quickly typed out a "thank you."  If only Brendan knew.  She hated how again, somebody had been following them and it had gone unnoticed, especially since based on the camera shot they had to have been sitting not too far behind Todd and Sara.  She didn't notice any familiar face so who the hell was it that scrawled on a piece of paper to tack onto Jordan's door that she and Brendan were more than just friends at the movies?  

She wanted to accept Jordan's refusal to speak to her at the moment as an easy out , but her heart was hurting especially since he had every right to be angry.  She knew she did nothing wrong, but some - to channel Jenny's word choices - sick fuck accurately described what they had been doing at the theater and Jordan accused Jessie of lying about Brendan's sexual orientation.  His anger prevented her from explaining the motive behind their actions in front of those loose teens sitting behind them.  

I have to really get to him before the stalker does anything as a result of us not being together, she thought.  It's only a matter of time.

She looked at her mail from earlier all spewed on the breakfast bar.  She glanced at the poor quality picture still sticking out of an unmarked envelope that just arrived with her mail of both her and Brendan from behind snuggling before the movie began.  Did Jordan receive his copy as well?  She knew time was running out...

Her co-op was then filled with the ever familiar chime of her doorbell.  She quickly dashed to the intercom by her door.  "It's me," Jenny declared from the other side of the intercom.  Jessie buzzed her in and quickly went back to the breakfast bar so she could temporarily cram the mail into a draw.  Realizing she was still holding a box of crackers with nothing else, she peered into the fridge to find a half-eaten block of Swiss cheese.  

Knowing it was a pathetic excuse for a snack, she grabbed a cheese board and knife with two small plates to place on her table.  Not long after, there was a soft knock at the door.

"Fuck, it's gotten cold out!" Jenny exclaimed as Jessie opened the door.

Despite her current fears, Jessie couldn't help but laugh at Jenny's normal personality.  It certainly was a comfort in this current sea of darkness.  "Hello, as well.  I'm fine, thanks.  How are you?" she jokingly pressed.

Jenny playfully rolled her eyes.  "Don't be such a wise ass and give me a hug," Jenny demanded.

As Jessie bent down minding Jenny's growing belly, she nearly teared at the comfort of her friend's warm embrace.  I can't tell her the full truth, she quietly commanded herself.  Be strong and don't cave.

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