Chapter One

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Jessie's stomach began to rumble as she peered out the circular window to her left.  A very unfamiliar view of industrial looking buildings, rows of houses and apartment buildings, and what appeared to be a highway came in view.  She was so convinced she had to "disappear" and think about what her old label proposed before she even considered easing into a remnant of what her old life had been.  However since the "fasten seatbelt" sign lit up she was not so sure anymore.

"Are you okay, dear?" a voice that seemed so far away broke her thoughts.

She turned to the granny-like lady who was in the adjoining seat and plastered a fake smile that she hoped would at least look somewhat reassuring.  "Yes, I'm just not used to my ears popping like this," she lied with guilt.  

The old woman returned the smile and nodded.  "When you get to become a frequent flyer like me, I suppose you forget that sensation," she laughed.

Jessie just smiled, but this time sincerely; although she did not catch the woman's name, she could not have asked for a better person to be seated next to her.  While the lady engaged in friendly conversation here and there and especially during meal time, she never pried and for the most part left Jessie alone.  Her best friend, Holly, volunteered to take the plane ride to America and stay with her for a few days, but Jessie immediately turned her down.  To think that five years ago, Jessie would have jumped on that bandwagon in a heartbeat.  

"I'm sure whatever else is bothering you will work out for the best," the old woman added, lightly tapping Jessie's right hand.

"Thank you.  I'm fine, though.  I'm just on holiday," Jessie responded kindly, technically not lying this time.  Of course she knew she did not want to get into the true nature of the trip with a complete stranger.  

The woman did not seem convinced, but her warm disposition did not change.  "Ah, just as am I to visit my youngest's family," she answered.  Her tired gray eyes seemed to twinkle with a twinge of sadness.  "Pardon my concern, dear.  My oldest granddaughter is perhaps around your age and I guess I cannot stop being a Nan.  I hope you forgive me if I was out of line."

Touched by her sincerity, Jessie returned her reassuring tap to the hand.  "No offense taken at all.  I really appreciate your concern," she said in a genuine tone.  "Your grandchildren are lucky to have such a wonderful Nan." 

She returned her gaze back towards the window and for the first time in a while spaced out.  Minutes later, an accidental kick at the back of her chair brought her back to reality.

Jessie glanced at the elderly woman, who now was back to reading a battered copy of Bleak House by Charles Dickens.  She sighed to herself thinking about the comment regarding forgetting the uncomfortable sensation of ear popping.  It was hard for her to believe she did this all the time a few years ago.  She became so accustomed to corresponding with other musicians in a studio or via Skype these days rather than being the one on tour that "Jessie J" was like a distant memory now.  In fact, nobody even referred to her as "Jessie" save her old Heartbeats and she became so accustomed to hearing nothing but "Jess" or "Jessica."  While Jessie still got recognized sometimes back at home, based on the fact that the tabloids found her unappealing since her public humiliation by her ex three years ago, she was confident that nobody would recognize her in America.  She deactivated her Twitter and Instagram while removing her website and Facebook page ages ago; her equally famous friends selfishly abandoned her while the paparazzi had not followed her in forever.  However, she hired a short-term body guard for her stay in America through one of her New York contacts and friends, Jenny Petroski, just in case.  

Having exhausted her forms of entertainment, Jessie decided to reread some old texts out of boredom as the plane still had a little more time before it landed.  

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