Chapter Twenty-seven

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Raindrops were usually a comforting force in the middle of the night, but right now they were serving as a mere reminder that Jessie was waking up for the fourth time since she faked a headache close to around ten way after Ken left at the conclusion of some comedy she wasn't paying attention to in the living room.  Jordan lay sound asleep next to her not even having changed his position of being flat on his stomach.  Although he headed up the same time as she did without question, he promised they would watch a movie on his iPad after he took a shower but Jessie faked sleep as soon as she heard the water turn off down the hall until she finally passed out.

"Why can't I stay asleep?" she quietly moaned as she flipped her body to its left side facing the shaded window.  

Because the nightstand was closest to her, she was very aware of the alarm clock that sat next to a plain, green lamp but refused to look at it.  The last time she did, it was half past one and judging by how dark the room was still, she couldn't have gone back to sleep for that long.  

After the somewhat normal Thanksgiving dinner they ended up having to her surprise, Jessie was no fool that everything was an act to hide the underlying problem that had yet to be discovered.  At that point, she could care less but couldn't escape the fact that she had taken a ride with them all through the emotional ringer.  

Her eyes remained opened just staring into nothingness that dragged her into the unpleasant memories of episodic insomnia following her split with David.  She couldn't remember which one of her sisters said it back then since she even ignored her own mother's urging to see a doctor, but one of them shared how you shouldn't just lie there if you cannot sleep as it makes your brain associate being in bed as a negative occurrence.  

She squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds as if to erase the thought.  Sleep.  Just think sleep, she directed herself as she took in some deep yoga-esque breaths.  

When she realized concentrating on her breathing wasn't working after a few minutes, she decided to change her position one last time.  However as she sat up, she made the mistake of catching the time that glared "3:11."

Not even taking into account she slept longer than she thought, she sighed in frustration and remained in a sit-up position.  Scanning the room for a distraction so she could eventually go back to sleep, she remembered that there was no television and although Jordan's iPad was tucked into his bag she certainly did not know the passcode.  Her disappointment was short-lived when she remembered her phone charging next to her.

Just one game of something and back to sleep, she commanded to her brain. 

Although the phone was on sleep mode, Jessie flicked the sound switch off anyway and flipped over her phone.  Immediately, two missed calls from Jenny about twenty minutes ago were displayed on the lock screen alongside part of a text.  Any chance of going back to sleep was now just wishful thinking as Jessie's adrenaline took over.   After plugging in her passcode, she without a second thought clicked on Jenny's text in full:

Completely forgot about the time difference from Greece after the second call until Jake reminded me.  Sorry.  I will just call you later after we have dinner tonight.

Jackson was with her parents so Jessie was completely confused by why Jenny would need to be in touch with her on her honeymoon as she obviously arrived to Greece safely and was with Jake.  Oh no - what if it's the baby? Jessie asked herself grimly.

Knowing she was not going to be able to even attempt any sleep until she spoke with Jenny, she nearly yanked her phone off the charger and slowly eased herself from the bed not to disturb Jordan.  Tiptoeing while clutching her phone, she quietly opened the door without creaking while doing the same to close it.  The hallway was dark, but her eyes were able to make out the fact that the door was shut in the master bedroom.  

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