Chapter Nine

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As Jenny quickly dashed to the bathroom after her third cup of coffee, Jessie's eyes followed her as Jenny ran to the very end of her hallway.  Much to her astonishment, Jenny did not bring up Saturday at all.  Maybe I am obsessing over this more than I should, Jessie thought.  She took a sip of her simple lemon tea and decided to wait for Jenny to return before indulging in any more of this absolutely delicious brunch.  Jenny really went overboard ordering a mix of hot dishes with baked goods, but she assured Jessie it would all go especially when Jake was around.

Strained coughs echoed their way down the hall into the eat-in kitchen.  "Are you alright, Jenny?" Jessie called as loud as she could.  The only response she received was the flush of the toilet.

Jessie was about to get up when she saw the bathroom door crack open.  "The most depressing day of my life has finally come," Jenny remarked solemnly as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.  "My body is too fucking old to handle my coffee obsession."

Rolling her eyes, Jessie couldn't help but laugh, but at the same time felt a bit relieved.  "I guess three cups of coffee from now on are out of the question," she teased.

Jenny abruptly stopped at the end of the hallway with a hand on her hip.  "Three?  I go through maybe seven frickin' cups a day!" she exclaimed before grabbing a cherry filled danish and spinach quiche filled in an aluminium cup.

"Um, maybe you shouldn't eat for a little bit?" Jessie recommended with worry.  "I can get you some ginger ale."

Jenny's eyes became slightly ravenous.  "I'm starving!  I have been craving this place for months and on top of that, we had to wait an hour extra for the delivery!" she exclaimed, biting a chunk of her danish that was threatening to drop some cherry goo onto her dress pants.  She pushed her chair in more and held the danish over her square ceramic cherry blossom patterned plate.  She held up her empty mug with her other hand.  "My doctor did say I really needed to lay off a lot of coffee before the day comes where I can longer have any so maybe I will have some tea in a bit."

Jessie eased into her chair and continued working on her bagel.  She couldn't help but giggle quietly as she recalled Jenny's animated tirade against the poor, unsuspecting delivery guy when he tried to explain why they were receiving their food so late.  "What type of party did you have to organize for today?" she asked.

Sighing, Jenny finished her very last bit of danish and centered her quiche onto the place.  "Some rich yuppie's wedding," she muttered.  "They're fun to plan, but weddings make me feel nervous."

"Why?" Jessie questioned as she finished her tea.  "I am sure everything always goes well for your clients."

Jenny shook her head.  "It's not that, Jess.  They make feel pressured, you know?  I know Jake wants to get married and I really want to marry him, too.  Every time I think about it, I feel unprepared," she answered, now playing with her food.  "In fact, I think he lost all hope because he stopped asking about it last year."

"If he did in fact give up on you, don't you think he would have called it quits?" Jessie inquired.  Deep down she felt a little anxious because it was not often Jenny became so serious and vulnerable.  "What scares you?"

Shrugging, Jenny sighed.  "I don't know," she admitted.  "I guess I worry too much about the future like will my career get in the way of my marriage?  Will I be a good wife?  Can I even be a decent parent?"

"Jen, you cannot predict the future but at the same time you cannot let it prevent you from living," Jessie told her.  "Besides, I know you are going to be able to balance your career and marriage well and be a great mother one day."

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