Chapter Eighteen

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Jessie knew she shouldn't laugh, but she couldn't help it.  It was the only happy reprieve at the moment so she figured she should enjoy it before the inevitable shit hit the fan.  "You really have to tell me what's so funny," Brendan demanded with a smirk.  He leaned himself against the rack of shorts on sale as he held onto a very large purple shoe box.  "You have not stopped since we got in the store."

She at first ignored his demand and continued to laugh as she lifted the deep blue long-sleeved blouse against her body to study herself in the mirror to the right of the dressing room.  "I surrender.  I'll tell you," Jessie finally said when she calmed down.  "I know you agreed to come with me, but you just seem so out of place here being the only guy."

He rolled his eyes still smiling.  "Jess, it's not that bad.  You said you don't have any clothes for colder weather.  My job is to escort you wherever you want," he pointed out.  "A women's closing store of course is not my first choice of a fun early Saturday morning activity, but you did mention a trip to Starbucks on the way back so it was the deal breaker for not quitting this job."

If Jessie had a free hand, she would have playfully thrown one of the shirts she was considering at his face.  "I figured we would come early so I could get this out of the way," she lied.  "I really have a lot of work to do apparently."

"I'm sure everything will be okay, Jess," Brendan told her seriously.  "I know you're worried about the radio talking about that demo, but you've been okay and I'm sure that will stay the same until you actually become more public yourself about your career."

"I guess.  I mean, my use of my American accent diverts attention I'm sure," she half-joked.  

Brendan shook his head unable to contain his smile.  "I really cannot believe a challenge at the grocery store back in July has gotten out of control.  I see I corrupted you," he laughed.

Jessie joined in, but didn't respond as she noticed it was pushing close to ten.  Although all she had to do was change her clothes, Jordan was going to be at her door for eleven.  "I guess these will do," she declared as she squeezed her small bundle of clothing close to her body.  

Brendan followed her to the register to place the box on the counter as she found herself in front of a young clerk that reminded her of her Who You Are self.  "Is this all, Miss?" the black-bobbed clerk asked rather politely. 

"Yes, thank you," she replied in an American accent.  Although he was slightly behind her, she could feel Brendan's eyes laughing at her.  She was completely fine with him thinking her faux accent was being used for fun with the public.  It beat explaining why she was truly using it constantly as a precaution.

The clerk's teal colored nails clicked against the keys of the register before giving one big button a final press.  "$243.87," she finally announced.

Rummaging through her purse, Jessie removed out three crisp one hundred dollar bills she recently got for herself.  The clerk held all the hundreds up to a light for a couple of seconds before running what looked like a marker through them.  "$56.13 is your change," she said as she began to retrieve a dime and three pennies to go with the two twenties and a large set of singles.  

Jessie thanked her and she accepted the change and waited as she folded her clothes.  "I absolutely love these boots," the clerk gushed as she fixed the lid of the box.  "What's the occasion?"

Apple picking with my 'beau', she answered in her head.  "No real occasion.  I just liked them a lot," she answered, which was only half a lie.

The clerk smiled as she found a larger bag for the box of boots.  She slid three packed bags towards Jessie's side of the counter.  "I never really say things like this, but you look a little like Jessie J.  I don't know if you remember her because it's been like years," she told her.

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