Chapter Twenty-four

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1. Flight confirmed.  X

2. Pick-up at Heathrow arranged.  X

3. Autopay set for final bills.  X

4. Pack.

5. Final cleaning.

6. Airport transportation.  X

7. Empty cabinets.

8. Alert team of departure.  X

9. In-airport hotel?

Jessie examined her list carefully wondering if she missed anything to add.  She still had plenty of time, but her biggest fear was overlooking anything.  

She had just gone out for breakfast with Lauren to go over number six and was glad to have one less thing now off the list.  Everything else save for number nine she knew could only be done as it got closer to December 13, officially exactly a month away.  Now she was left with her work to-do list that lay crumbled in a ball in front of her.  She had read it over so many times that "1. Reactivate Twitter" was embedded in her mind.

What's the worst that could happen?

That was the million dollar question posed by Holly, Clair, and her sisters and they were absolutely right.  It was just Twitter.  She didn't have to expose her location or post pictures.  She didn't have to tweet all the time.  The pressure was on now that the buzz over in the UK was increasing among her old fans.

Sighing, Jessie grabbed her phone and searched in her mailboxes for the notification in regards to ever wanting to reactivate her account the way it was.  "If I can't, then I can postpone this until I can get a verified account," she thought aloud happily.  

Having surprisingly kept the old e-mail when she deactivated her account, she clicked the activation link required.  To her shock, she was now being prompted to log-in.  She had to take a couple of minutes to remember what even her password was.  Towards the end of her Twitter days, she got hacked a couple of times and had to keep changing it.  Finally taking a stab at one, she logged in successfully with her browser reminding her she could download the Twitter app.

After a quick upload from the app store, Jessie finally was staring at her feed for the first time in a couple of years.  The app was a little different, but still easy to navigate.  She clicked her own profile and just gaped at her avatar.  The memory of that photo shoot became so vivid that she might as well had taken a time machine to that day.  Although the picture was a close-up and you couldn't see past her shoulders, the green silk on her shoulders took her back to the gorgeous neck plunge dress she wore.

Although her smile in the picture only consisted of her lips, the smile in her eyes was so apparent that tears began to slide down Jessie's cheeks without her realization.  Little did that girl in the picture know that in just a few more weeks her life as she knew it would become a figment of the past all thanks to a man that was supposed to be her happy ending to love.  

With a touch of her finger, she viewed her very last tweet when she finally noticed the dampness on her cheeks:

Thank you so much for your continuing support.   May God bless you all.  #forevergrateful  

She still remembered the exact place she wrote that very tweet.  She was sitting in her then empty living room of the small house she had now surrounded by labeled cardboard boxes and awaiting her furniture delivery.  

Hating to mourn over a past that she was finally burying, she immediately wiped her tears with the back of her hand and tapped to create a new tweet:

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