Chapter Six

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Jessie never gulped anything down so quickly in such a short period of time.  It's no wonder she didn't get brain freeze.  According to the posterboard sign tacked onto the storefront window, this place was the three time winner of the best flavored lemonades.  Hers was apparently strawberry, but the icy cold tart fluid went down her esophagus so fast her tastebuds didn't stand a chance to fully register the sugary goodness.  

"Maybe we should have saved all this walking for a cooler day," Jordan mentioned as he studied Jessie take in a couple of deep breaths.  "I know you keep swearing you're okay, but maybe we should get you home."

Although she could not be so completely sure, this had to be one of the hottest days she ever experienced outside getting such a rigorous workout.  She just had on a simple, light sundress and even had a comfortable pair of sandals hugging her feet as Jordan promised they would just be walking slowly today.  As they walked through various blocks of businesses and beautifully restored historical buildings and homes, they really were taking it slow.  Lack of sleep worrying about today encouraged her irregular heartbeat, which really was not bad, just uncomfortable.  When she finally did fall asleep, she woke up so late that she had to choose between getting ready and eating.  Guess who won?  Then of course there was the soaring temperature that now reached 94 degrees.

"I don't have to go home," she nearly snapped and immediately felt bad afterwards.  On top of what she was feeling, she had an awful lot on her mind and she didn't want to bring up her heart condition.

Jordan was speechless and just stood there with his own half drunk raspberry lemonade that no longer appealed to him.  Although this was not the worse time Jessie had, it also was not the best time she has ever had.  He just made small talk and did not really ask any personal questions, but Jessie still felt things were going inexplicably awkward; he did keep asking if she was alright, but before she started feeling light-headed he seemed to have a hard time looking at her and at times seemed to be thinking of something or somebody else as they walked around.

Knowing he didn't deserve her crankiness despite everything and that he was just trying to help, she knew she should at least diffuse the situation even if this was the last time they did anything together.  "I know you had a particular restaurant in mind today," she brought up to break the silence.  "Would we be able to go there?"

She wasn't sure Jordan was paying attention anymore as he seemed to be scanning the block left to right.  "Uh, we would have to walk several blocks more, though, so I don't think that's a good idea," he finally answered.

Jessie gave up.  "Oh, alright.  Let's head back then," she agreed as she went to toss her extra large empty cup in the garbage can indoors.

When she returned back to the sidewalk to stand in front of Jordan, he didn't budge and seemed to be on another planet.  

This is getting very odd very fast, Jessie thought.  

She wanted to shoot herself in the foot realizing in a way, Jenny was right but for a whole different reason.  She really should have not planned today, but how was she supposed to know he was not the forward, outgoing guy he presented himself to be the two brief times she saw him in person?

"There aren't really any good restaurants on this particular block, but we can go to that sandwich shop over on that corner," he recommended as he absently pointed ahead.  "I've ordered from them to go a few times and they were pretty good."

"Sure, I could really use something to eat," Jessie answered, which was the absolute truth.

She followed Jordan to this small brick eatery on the corner across the street, which had a few metal tables right outside that were unsurprisingly vacant with blue and white striped umbrellas that matched the place's fake awning positioned over the door.  A bell chimed as Jordan opened the door for him and Jessie and the overblasted air conditioner quickly chilled them.

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