Chap 1: You are my Rock.

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Cam's POV

I was finishing up my school work when Tye called me from downstairs. She wouldn't stop calling even though I wasn't answering. Why couldn't she think I was asleep or something?

"I know you're not asleep, my nigga!!!" Tye shouted from downstairs. She can't be serious.

"What the fuck you want homes?" I said walking out of the study and down the stairs. We turned one of the extra bedrooms into a study for us to share, so her desk was to the left and mines to the right.

"Is that how you talk to someone who has graduated in the top ten of their class?" She said holding onto her chest.

"I don't give a fuck," I  laughed.

"Well why'd you come to my graduation being all happy and saying you were proud of me?" She asked faking hurt.

"Because you're my babe and I'm proud of you but I don't give a fuck if you gonna continue bragging about it. I'm not the one hiring you nigger." I replied before rolling my eyes and pushing passed her so I could get to the kitchen.

"Well.. since you're behaving like that I guess I better go share the big news with Mona because you don't deserve to hear that I got a promotion." She dragged her words.

I spun around dropping the tray of eggs on the floor, I was the only one who ate them anyways.

"What you just say?" I asked stepping over the mess and walking up to her.

"Nothing," She did nothing to hide the huge grin on her face.


"IGOTAPROMOTION!!" She shouted back at me.

She lifted her hands to her face and let out the bitchiest scream I've ever heard from her. Wow, she must be pretty excited so to match her excitement I rose my hands to my face and searched for my bitchiest scream too. We stood there for a minute screaming and jumping around, kicking our feet out and doing the lamest dance moves ever.

"Oh my God babe, I'm so happy." She came up to me and held my face between her palms.

"I know and I'm so proud of you," I kissed her and she kissed me back tenderly.

"How are we celebrating? Fancy dinner? Get high off edibles? Movie night? Tell me baby I wanna know," I said in a singsong voice.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss me again. She gave me a mischievous smile and took out a handkerchief. I looked at her suspiciously and she just stared back at me. I allowed her to cover my eyes and lead me to wherever. We've already spent two years at the house so I knew where everything was but she spun me three times before leading me to the location.

Our second anniversary just passed and we were still happy and going strong even though I feel like there's some things that she's hiding from me. We have our whole lives to spend together and I'll forgive whatever it is, for my sanity and my heart's sake please don't let it be anything drastic Big G because I will fuck this bitch up up! I will cut her fucking hair into a bob and I will fly us out to Jamaica and leave her in the ghetto so she can get robbed and beaten the fuck up. Who am I kidding? She finna square the fuck up though because we fighting if she breaks my heart. I already went through so much with her and her mental health. I stuck through all the pain and the hurt, I stuck by her side even when she was pushing me away because she wasn't ready so I hope she really don't fuck up because if she does she's gonna have to find the ready that she wasn't ready in a minute because I'm throwing hands.

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