Chap 2: Secrets.

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"Mona, we need to talk." I said pacing around the room. Cam was in the bathroom taking a shower and I was scared to send her out by herself these days. It's been two years since we've lived here and everything was normal until last week when I felt someone watching us at the mall and what scared me even more was that Cam picked it up too. She justified it by saying it was Jamaican instincts.

"What's up?" She said through the phone.

"Everything. Something isn't right and I can feel it." I replied to her.

"With Cam?" She asked.

"No fool, overall. We were at the mall last week and we felt someone watching us." I hissed.

"Oh.."  she said.

"Yes oh. We need to find out what the fuck is going on." I whispered into the phone.

"I'll contact Banks to see if he knows anything." She said.

"Good, I gotta go." I said disconnecting the call as I heard the shower turn off.

I pulled my tie over my head and fixed it under my collar, took my jacket up and made my way to the room we used as an office space. I had a safe built into the wall to hide my weapons and money. Money that I should've put into an offshore account in case anything happened my mom and Cam would be alright. I needed to speak to my mom's lawyer about that.

I knew Cam kept her gun in the closet because she didn't think she needed to walk with it. I took out a gun and a foot holster and attached them to the inside of my left leg.

"Babe?" I heard Cam call from the room.

"Hey beautiful, good morning." I said walking back into the room and giving her a kiss.

"You don't have to wait on me anymore you know." She said with a smile.

"I know," I laughed and took up my wallet.

"Oh by the way, I need you to start walking with your gun." I said to her.

Her face was laced with concerned but she just nodded and went to take it from the closet and laid it on the bed. I took it up and checked the clip then placed it back.

"How nice of you to actually spread the bed this morning." She said to me.

I let out a laugh and went over to kiss her but she pushed my face away.

"I'll be coming in a bit late today, gonna meet with mi papa this evening." I said to her grabbing her jaws and kissing her pouted lips softly.

"Okay, be safe." She said.

"You too babybear." I smiled at her turning to walk away. I stopped once I got to the door, turned around and ran back over to her pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you." I said sighing.

She laughed and said, "I love you too."

I let her go and walked out of the room stopping in the office to collect my jacket and ensuring that the safe was locked up properly. I needed to get some cameras installed. I knew Cindy worked from home so I could ask her to supervise them while I was at work during the week.

I grabbed my lunch from the fridge knowing that if I left it I wouldn't hear the end of it from Cam how she slaved away to prepare lunch for me and I didn't take it.

"Don't forget your lunch and drive safely!" I heard Cam shout from upstairs.

"You too!" I shouted back and left the house.

I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to work. It's a good thing they didn't have metal detectors there because it would be really hard explaining why I needed to carry my gun to work with me. I was pretty happy with my office job. I had my own office on the 9th floor of this 10 floors building. I recently got promoted to the general manager of the IT department and I might just go back to school to get a degree in Human Resources for the HR manager position. They had way better benefits that I had. I had already started looking about retirement for me and Cam and my mom of course since she wouldn't be able to work for the next 10 years if she came out on house arrest. You never know what might happen.

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